BIT 62

Rebecca spent the night crying, even as she cradled Lily in her arms. The

disappointment she felt in Harvey was deeper than anything she had experienced during their first divorce.

“I’m sorry, Lily, I shouldn’t have brought you into this cruel world,” Rebecca whispered. through her tears. She couldn’t understand why Harvey had changed so quickly, but she vowed never to look back, not even for revenge.

The next morning, she woke up with swollen eyes. Her body felt light and weak from not eating since she arrived in Boston. She stroked Lily, who was still sound asleep after nursing two hours earlier and headed to the bathroom.

She stared at her reflection in the mirror, feeling a deep pain in her chest and joints. “It’s all over,” she murmured, shaking her head. She repeatedly splashed her face with cold water until her shirt was soaked, but she felt a bit relieved afterward.

At nine in the morning, after bathing Lily, she left the hotel for the first time. She entered a cafe and sat by the window bathed in sunlight.

“Good morning! Can I help you order?” asked a girl with a lip piercing. Rebecca nodded. “Um, one English breakfast and a double espresso,” she replied after reading the menu on the wall not far from where she was sitting

“Okay!” the girl with the piercing replied cheerfully.

Fifteen minutes later, as Rebecca was forcing herself to eat her breakfast, a man suddenly walked by and stood watching Lily, who was sleeping in her stroller.

Rebecca immediately stood up and clutched Lily’s stroller tightly, on guard.

“Excuse me, what are you doing?” she asked, glaring at the man wearing glasses.

The man was startled but remained calm. “I’m sorry for being forward, but your baby looks yellow; she seems to have milk jaundice,” he said, pointing to Lily.

Rebecca was shocked but didn’t immediately believe him, so she continued to stand and clutch Lily’s stroller tightly.

“Here’s my business card. Please come as soon as possible; your baby needs to have her bilirubin levels checked, the man said, handing his card to Rebecca, who took it


Rebecca glanced at the business card and read silently, “Parker Healthcare – Sean Parker – Pediatrician,” then blushed with embarrassment. She looked up to apologize to Sean, but he had already left. noveldrama

She abandoned her breakfast and focused on Lily. She observed Lily’s face and felt guilty for not knowing that her daughter had milk jaundice.

Are you okay?” asked the girl with the piercing when Rebecca requested the bill.

“Yeah, um, sorry, do you know where Parker Healthcare is?” Rebecca asked, placing money on the table. The girl with the piercing grinned. “Of course! You just need to walk a little; it’s right at the end of this block.”

Rebecca quickly pushed the stroller to the end of the block. Fortunately, she had all her bank cards in her wallet, so she didn’t worry about the consultation fees.

She stepped into the clinic and was greeted by two friendly receptionists.

“Good afternoon, Ma’am. Do you have an appointment?” one of them asked.

Rebecca shook her head. “Um, Dr. Parker told me to come for a consultation because my daughter, um, seems to have milk jaundice…”

“Ah! Alright, we will first register your baby. Name?”



Rebecca swallowed hard, feeling nauseous at the thought of saying Specter as Lily’s last. name. “Harper, Lily Harper, she answered firmly.

“Alright, you can go to the third floor, where your daughter will be weighed and measured first, the receptionist said, handing a card to Rebecca.

After the initial examination by a nurse, Rebecca met Dr. Parker, who had just entered his office.

“Your daughter is very lucky to have an attentive mother like you. You’ve made the right decision by bringing her here,” Dr. Parker said when he saw Rebecca appear at his door.

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Rebecca winced, still feeling embarrassed for having thought poorly of him earlier.

“I’m sorry about earlier, I didn’t mean to-

“No, it’s fine. Your reaction is very normal! You don’t need to apologize,” Dr. Parker said cheerfully. He examined Lily carefully and sighed deeply afterward, making Rebecca tense up immediately.

“Is she okay?” Rebecca asked with a trembling voice. She was very afraid that something bad would happen to Lily.

“Her bilirubin level is quite high. For this level, we need to do phototherapy,” Dr. Parker explained in detail and carefully so Rebecca wouldn’t panic, but his efforts failed completely as Rebecca burst into tears.

“This is all my fault, I’m a bad mother! I didn’t take good care of her,” Rebecca said, covering her face with both hands.

“This is not your fault at all, it happens often, so don’t worry, okay? Do you live nearby because Lily might need to stay for a few days until her bilirubin levels normalize, Dr. Parker said, leaning down, waiting for Rebecca to stop crying.

Rebecca nodded. “In a hotel, next to the cafe where we met earlier,” she answered, wiping her tears with her trembling hand.

Dr. Parker nodded, “Um, are you on vacation here or-”

“I’m planning to move here but haven’t found the right place yet, so for now we’re staying there,” Rebecca answered with more stable emotions.

“Alright, Ella will take Lily to the phototherapy room, you can go there and make sure your daughter is in good hands,” Dr. Parker said as if he could read Rebecca’s mind.

“Thank you…”

After feeding Lily and ensuring that she was indeed in the phototherapy box, Rebecca sat in the waiting room, pale as a ghost.

Right at lunchtime, someone suddenly patted her shoulder, making her look up in surprise.

“You can wait at the hotel, Lily will be safe here,” Dr. Parker said, looking relaxed without his doctor’s coat.

Rebecca shook her head. “I want to feed her every time she’s hungry, she needs to know that I never leave her,” she said with a choked voice.

Dr. Parker nodded his head, “Well, at least you need to eat something. There’s an Italian restaurant next door that serves the best gnocchi, want to have lunch together?

Rebecca was silent, hesitant to accept the invitation.

“Some nurses will also eat there, don’t worry this isn’t a date invitation haha,” Dr. Parker said, noticing the wariness on Rebecca’s face.

Dr. Parker’s words made Rebecca blush instantly. She was just about to decline, but h stomach suddenly

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