BIT 76

Chapter 76

“Becky, what happened?” asked Sean, noticing the change in Rebecca’s expression. He turned around and saw Harvey standing there, shocked. Harvey’s gaze then fell on Lily, cradled in Sean’s arms, and Rebecca could clearly see the emotions change on his face.

Rebecca quickly looked away from Harvey and focused on Sean, who was now looking back at her. “What do you think, Sean?” she asked, her voice tight.

Sean nodded, smiling broadly. “Perfect!” he exclaimed.

Rebecca cleared her throat softly. “Can you come in here and bring Lily with you?” she said, signaling Sean to take Lily away from Harvey’s sight.

“Of course!” Sean hurried into the fitting room, not looking at Harvey at all. Cassie quickly closed the curtain and covered her mouth with one hand, “Oh shit! Sorry, I mean, Oh my God!”

“Cassie, can you help me take off this dress?”

Cassie nodded, “Yes, sure!” She quickly ran behind Rebecca to undo the dress’s fastenings. Meanwhile, Sean turned his face away.

“Sorry, Sean. I have to protect Lily,” Rebecca said, looking at the back of Sean’s head. “I know, you did the right thing,” Sean whispered.

“Babe? What are you doing here?” Suddenly, Alicia’s voice sounded from outside the fitting room. Rebecca and Cassie exchanged glances; they both knew it was Alicia. Meanwhile, Sean continued to keep his gaze averted.

“I thought you were in this room,” Harvey replied stiffly. Alicia giggled, “This way! Come on! I’m really upset, you know what? The dress I wanted was already taken by someone else! Annoying!” Alicia whined in her sweet voice, making Rebecca feel very nauseous.

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“This is crazy! She really wants to plagiarize your style! Everyone, I mean all followers, knows that you posted this dress on your feed almost a year ago! Oh my God, after this I’m going to post a photo of you in this dress so Alicia can’t make up any silly news saying you stole her dress or whatever,” Cassie said, sounding very angry as if Rebecca was her friend.

Rebecca remained silent, her mind filled with Harvey’s face and his complicated look. She hurriedly put on her dress and peeked outside. “I think they are in the next fitting

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Chapter 70

room, we have to go now. Um, Cassic, can you send this dress to my house? I’ll give you my number,” Rebecca said quickly.

Cassie smiled broadly. “Of course! I’d be happy to!”

“Please send the bill to my number, I’ll transfer

Sean said, handing his business card to Cassie, w Payment right away. Thank you,”

Sir! You’re very welcome!”

accepted it with a wide smile. “I will,

After making sure there was no sign of Harvey or Alicia, Rebecca and Sean quickly left the fitting room and walked out of the boutique calmly, even though the paparazzi started to swarm around them. “Don’t say a word,” Rebecca whispered to Sean, keeping her head down and focusing on their quick steps.

After pushing through some paparazzi, they managed to get into the car and drove away from there.

Rebecca sighed deeply, “That was close,” she muttered, looking at the empty sidewalk.

“I thought you wouldn’t avoid them,” Sean remarked without taking his eyes off the road. Rebecca swallowed hard, “Turns out I’m not that strong,” she whispered.

Suddenly, Sean reached out his free hand to gently pat Rebecca’s shoulder. “It’s okay, time will heal you.”

“I wish,” Rebecca sighed deeply.

“My mom suggested a venue for our wedding” Sean murmured flatly.

“Really? And where is that?” Rebecca asked, not really caring where their wedding would be held.

“Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, and then we’d have dinner at Nebeluz, but if you have another option, that would be great too.”

“No, I trust your mom’s taste,” Rebecca replied quickly.

Sean nodded, “Are you stopping by for dinner or—”

“No, can we order delivery food instead? I just want to go home,” she said, still looking out the window. She felt very foolish because her mind was a mess again after seeing Harvey.






“Never mind,” Sean replied flatly.

There was no conversation between them until they arrived home.

“I’ll take care of Lily, just order the food for us. I’ll eat anything,” Sean said as he jumped

out of the car.

Rebecca watched Sean cheerfully greet Lily and carefully take her out of the car. She closed her eyes, feeling foolish for wishing it was Harvey.

She walked into the house and suddenly realized that if she kept letting these emotions consume her, she would have to start all over again, and the progress she had made in the past few days would be wasted.

As she took off her shoes, she peeked at Sean who was opening something from a box. “What is that?” Rebecca asked, frowning curiously.

“I bought a baby bouncer for Lily,” Sean replied without looking up from the box he was opening. Rebecca swallowed hard; she hadn’t thought of anything about what Lily might need because she was too busy dealing with her heartbreak. “Thank you, it’s very nice of you,” she said sincerely.

“Don’t mention it. I’m going to be her father, this is something a new dad usually does,” Sean replied flatly.

Sometimes Rebecca felt Sean was like a robot with no emotions; was it because they had to keep their distance so no feelings would develop between them? She sat on the sofa bed next to Lily and opened her phone to order delivery food.

Suddenly, she felt very tired. She lay down next to Lily, talking to her, but a few minutes later, she fell asleep.

She woke up startled by Lily’s crying. She opened her eyes and saw Sean hurriedly picking Lily up and soothing her. “Continue your sleep, I’ll take care of Lily,” he said quickly.

Rebecca rubbed her eyes and looked at the digital clock on the table, shocked to realize she had been asleep for almost an hour.

“Oh my God, the food?”

“I put it on the kitchen island; it came like twenty minutes ago,” Sean replied, still

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holding Lily even though she had stopped crying.

As Rebecca got up, she was surprised to find a blanket had fallen from her lap. She picked up the blanket and glanced at Sean.

“Um, your dress rode up a bit, so-

“It’s okay. Thank you, Sean, I’ll prepare dinner,” Rebecca said quickly, not wanting to embarrass Sean.

“I know I sound like a bad mom, but I really want to drink alcohol right now, is that bad?” Rebecca asked, almost shouting.

“You’re not breastfeeding Lily, and I’m here to watch her if you get too drunk, so do whatever you need to do, maybe you’ll feel better afterwards,” Sean replied casually.

Rebecca winced, “You’re so wise, I’m very jealous Lily will have a father like you,” she said honestly.


Sean looked up, his expression making Rebecca feel guilty for saying that. She should have known that such words would only remind Sean of Maggie and Bea.

Rebecca cleared her throat, “Okay, I’ll just-” She hurriedly unwrapped the sushi and arranged it on a plate. She took a deep breath, suddenly feeling queasy at the idea of living in this fake marriage with Sean for a long time.

“Um, I’ll go to your room and put Lily in the crib; she needs a proper sleep,” Sean said.

Rebecca jumped off the stool, “No, let me do it! You’ve done too much,” she said, almost running towards Sean.

“No, it’s okay. I’ll clean her, feed her, and put her to bed, easy. Just eat your dinner.” Sean gave a thumbs up, assuring Rebecca that he wasn’t bothered at all by his duties as a soon–to–be new dad.

Rebecca winced, “Thanks, Sean…”

After Sean went into her room, Rebecca ate her sushi while thinking about what kind of life she would have with Sean after the wedding.

Fifteen minutes later, Sean came out of the room, looking a bit sleepy. He picked up his phone from the sofa and sat down in front of Rebecca.



  1. Thu, Aug 13 60 1 0

I got a message from an unknown number,” Scan muttered, looking down at his phone.

“Oh really? What message?”

Sean clicked the message, and his face looked shocked, making Rebecca frown in curiosity. “What is it, Scan?” she asked.

Sean cleared his throat, “It says, ‘Sean, if you have some free time, please let me contact you. Harvey Specter.“”

Rebecca gaped, almost choking on the tamago sushi she had just put in her mouth.


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