Chosen By The Moon

Chapter 0389


"Equality? You look like you've been puked on by a ghost. If you have really spoken to her, then it's safe to assume that your change is down to her... Wait... Holy shit? Are you actually a Lycan now?" I could see how it may look like it, I truly couldn't deny that my change was radical, not only was my hair a dead giveaway that something mystical had occurred, but my muscle and my knowledge was proof.

"No, I have just been gifted the knowledge of the wolf hunters. I can kill him now... Jack... I know I can kill him." There was no hint of a lie in my words my honest option was that I could beat the king. Whether his death goes hand in hand with my own was another matter entirely.

"Ok, so what would you like from me?" The exact same thing that had always been planned.

"Our plan stays the same, it just needs to be brought forward slightly. You attack when we do." He nodded his head, and hung up quickly most likely to begin preparations for his own attack on the oppressive Lycan forces.

I took a deep breath as soon as the rebel was gone from my screen. My chest still remained heavy, and my mind raced with endless possible outcomes from what was about to transpire.

"Are you ok?" Gilliards voice sounded out, his tone was soft, as I turned to meet his gaze while it remained directly on me.

"I am fine. We need to come up with a plan..." it was fairly obvious that we were about to throw ourselves into the lions den, with barely enough weapons that could actually make a difference to a Lycan. I grabbed the silver bulleted gun out of the draw in Gilliards desk, and holstered it in the waistband of my pants, before turning back to the alpha and his aunt. "Where's Oliver?"

"In the dungeons, where traitors belong." Traitors? I doubt Oliver had actually caused this, and if he did it was unlikely to have been intentional.

"You think Oliver actually had something to do with all this?" I was skeptical, of corse it wasn't too long ago that I would have been the first person to point my finger, however, now after everything I trusted him.

"What? Don't you? I think it's really suspicious that he just happens to get away from the king while Lewis, of all people, gets taken. He's lucky I didn't throw him out of the pack altogether." I shook my head really

did think that was the really

"If he wanted to do something that betrayed us he would have turned me in when he had the chance, not Lewis. Instead Oliver saved my life when we went to speak to the


packs, now that he's found out Vee is his mate, I think he wants a world we're he knows she'll be as safe as he is." I couldn't see the possibility of him betraying us for some reason.

Of course, I understood the concerns, it just didn't make any sense why he would do it now, and to Lewis of all people.

"I'm going to go and let him out. I'll talk to him about what happened... we can't afford to lose someone like him." Gilliard nodded but still didn't like the idea. I could tell he had a lot of distrust, but I suppose he was Lewis's cousin.

"Dylan, people are counting on you now. So keep it together, you're stronger than you believe." Ygritte placed her hand on my shoulder and I smiled kindly at her, I was only strong when I had someone to¶ean on, or something to focus my mind on. However now the only thing on my mind was that Lewis was in trouble, and it was all my fault.

Having Ygritte there too didn't help, she made my wish for my own mom to be with me was much more prominent in my mind, I ended up simply turning my head away from her in an attempt to cover up my sadness.

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