Consumed (Blood Ties Book 9)

Consumed: Chapter 40

“She’s okay.” London stood in the doorway of the doctors’ break room cradling a baby in his arms.


Not just a baby.

My sister’s baby.

“Oh, thank fuck.” I bent at the waist, bracing my hands on my thighs. “Thank you, Jesus. Thank you.”

Riven was there beside me, wrapping his arm around me, steadying my body against his.

“And the babies?” He asked.

I looked up, finding London’s eyes darkening. “They’re okay. They will be okay.”

Those words hit me hard, forcing me to straighten and step forward. “What do you mean by ‘they will be okay’?”

“Our son…he suffered extensive damage from the attack.”

I froze, feeling the warmth rush out of me. The knife. That’s all I could see. I hadn’t been able to push it from my mind. The blade buried deep in my sister as Colt carried her from the room…and after that what was left of Hale after the twins were done with him.

Those were two images I never wanted to see again in my life. Those sickening, terrifying images. But now we were living with the aftermath…and we had two little humans to love.

“Can we…” I glanced at Ryth and she gently nodded. “Can we see her?”

I waited for what felt like an eternity until he answered. “Yes, she’s been asking for you…both of you.”

Ryth’s eyes widened, then she glanced at Nick and their son asleep in his arms.

“Go.” He urged. “Go see your sister.”

I stepped forward, leaving Riven and the others behind, meeting Ryth as London turned and headed back down the hall. I couldn’t walk fast enough, reaching out for my sister’s hand. My heart sped the moment our hands connected. This was the moment I’d wanted my entire life. This connection. This…love.

London stopped at a closed door and gently knocked. It opened almost instantly and DeLuca was standing there. He smiled at me, then Ryth as he stepped out. “I’ll leave all of you for a moment, let you have some space.”

I didn’t even see him leave, all I wanted was my sister. I stepped inside and glanced at the others and the baby in Colt’s arms before I turned my focus to my sister.

“Baby.” I moved closer.

Her eyes were red. I could see she’d been crying.

“Helene.” She burst into tears again, holding out her arms. “Ryth.”

We rushed forward and I rounded the bed, grabbing her in my arms on one side as did Ryth on the other.

“Fuck, you scared the shit out of me.” I croaked.

“And me.”

I pulled back, looked into her eyes and swiped away her tears. “Are you okay…really okay?”

She gave a nod. “Yes, I will be at least.”

“Fuck, I was scared.” I hugged her again. “So fucking scared.”

Her thick, heavy sobs filled my ears. “I was too, but it’s over, right? Please, tell me it’s over.”

I bowed my head, feeling her body shake and quiver. “It’s over.” I whispered, watching Carven and Colt tear Haelstrom Hale apart in my mind. “It’s all over.”

She clung to us. “Thank God.”

She’d never know the things they did for her. The sheer animal brutality those two men had been pushed to. I hoped to God she never did. I lifted my head and found Colt across the room, cradling his son in his arms, and a shiver of fear coursed through me.

“I need to see these babies.” I croaked. “After all, I am their aunt.”

“Me too.” Ryth leaned forward, kissed Vivienne on the cheek and straightened. “Me too. I cannot wait to show them so much love.”

I rounded the bottom of the bed and moved to London first, with his daughter in his arms. We all knew who the fathers were and the moment I saw her, I knew they were one hundred percent true. Big dark eyes stared back at me as she pursed her lips. She looked just like London.

I touched her cheek, then met his stare. “She’s perfect.”

He gave a careful smile. “They both are.”

While I left Ryth to fuss over Vivienne’s daughter, I moved to her son, finding him in Colt’s protective arms. “Can I…?”

He didn’t want to, that was easy to see. But he did, holding out his son without saying a word.

I looked down at the dressings taped across his little face and my heart went out for him. “Oh, fuck…”

Vivienne pushed herself upwards. “The knife was meant for his sister…and me. But he pushed her aside and he took the blow himself.”

My breaths froze as my heart boomed. He took the blow? As in…the knife. “Oh, Jesus.” I looked down into those big blue eyes and saw…love.

Ryth neared, touching his cheek. “May I have a hold?”

I looked down. “Of course.” Then I gently handed him over.

We loved, cradling the babies and hugging our sister, staying until slowly the others came in. Riven, Hunter, Thomas, and Kane moved to my side. Ryth’s stepbrothers stood at hers while London explained what had happened.

At first it was unbelievable, but then, what part of this whole thing wasn’t.

Then Vivienne winced and DeLuca scanned the room. “I think that’s it for today. Maybe pick this up tomorrow?”

I gave a nod, then kissed Vivienne and Ryth on the cheek. We all walked out of there, numb and empty as we climbed into the Explorer before we headed for home. Although, when we turned off the highway and through the gates, it didn’t feel like home. Not anymore.

Still, we went inside but my steps were heavy as I walked up the stairs and into Riven’s bedroom. I pulled off my clothes and left them to drop at my feet as Riven came closer.

There were no words as he undressed and headed into the bathroom. Hot water spray filled the room with steam. I stepped in, wrapped my arms around him and rested my head on his chest.

“It’s done, Trouble,” He murmured. “It’s done.”

Hard shudders tore through me. I gave in, letting all the emotions flow through me. I cried, then sobbed, letting him wash me until I was numb and empty. When I stepped out into the bedroom, they were waiting for me, naked, with wet hair and towels around their waists.

“We just want to sleep,” Hunter murmured. “Please.”

I rounded the bed and slipped in, holding the sheets up for them to climb in. We slept that night huddled up together, and in the morning, we woke late, cracked open our eyes and reached for each other. Only Riven wasn’t there, nor was Thomas.

The nightmare of the last few days lingered in the back of my mind, but I grounded myself in the moment, in the touch of Kane’s hands and the roughness of Hunter’s beard. Thomas stepped in and watched from the doorway as Kane gripped my thighs, opened my legs, and positioned me with my back against his chest.

I held his brother’s gaze as Kane pushed inside and slowly filled me. Lazy thrusts made me more awake. My body responded, warming and softening, leaving me to grip his thighs. Still, Thomas never moved, his gaze fixed on mine.

“Christ, you feel so goddamn good.” Kane grunted, thrusting harder.

I bit my lip, a rush of need slamming into me. They were the only thing I wanted to feel now. Nor terror, not pain…not hopelessness or rage, just them. As Kane unleashed a low, guttural grunt and spilled his warmth inside me, Hunter’s hand found mine, lifted it to his lips, and kissed me.

Kane’s heavy breaths spilled warmth against my shoulder as Hunter rolled over, and climbed on top of me. The movement slipped Kane free as Hunter’s big hands gripped my hips. Those dark, haunted eyes consumed me as he pushed inside.

I reached up, holding his face. He was my protector, my savior, my man in the mask. “I love you,” I whispered as he slowly pushed all the way inside. My eyes fluttered with the sensation, deepening my tone to a moan. “God, I love you.”

“I love you, Helene.” He lowered his body, his arms a cage around me as his hands clasped mine. “I love you so goddamn much.”

That rush pushed to the surface, making me open my legs wider, hungry for him. I bit my lip as my body quivered, clenching tight as he slammed home. I gave myself to him, bucking my hips upwards as I cried out. “Harder.”

He obliged, unleashing powerful thrusts until my body stilled and throbbed. White sparks collided behind my eyes as Hunter gave one last grunt and stilled deep inside me.

“Jesus…fucking Christ, you feel good.” Hunter’s heavy breaths were a blast against my ear, sending shivers along my neck.

The bed dipped hard as he slowly slid down to collapse beside me, but this man mountain wasn’t done. Because now, he wanted to snuggle. The weight of his arm dropped around me, dragging my back against his chest.

“Fuck, I need coffee,” Kane murmured as he rolled from the bed, grabbed a pair of boxers, and pulled them on. Thomas was gone from the doorway, but from the kitchen the delicious smell of coffee and pancakes rose.

“Oh,” I moaned, my belly coming instantly alive.

One deep chuckle and Hunter pulled his arm away. “Go,” He murmured, closing his eyes once more. “Save me some, at least.”

For the first time in a long time, I smiled, feeling that fragile feeling of happiness. I moved slow, rolling to the side as Kane left the room. I grabbed someone’s shirt, I think it was Riven’s, and pulled it on before I headed for the bathroom, used the toilet, and tugged on clean panties.

The smell was intoxicating, drawing me to the kitchen where fresh coffee and Riven’s delicious pancakes waited. He turned around as I neared and slid a fresh stack of fluffy deliciousness onto a plate next to a steaming cup of brew.

“You know, I could get used to this.” I said and yawned.

Those dark eyes were fixed on mine. “Good. My plan is to feed you enough so you’ll never think about wanting anything else.”

I smiled as I rounded the counter and slid my arms around him. “I missed you this morning.”

There was a quirk in the corner of his mouth. “I’m sure my brothers kept you busy enough.”

I scowled. “That’s not the point.”

“No.” He leaned closer. “It isn’t.”

His kiss was sweet and soft, unlike the man. There was nothing sweet about Riven, not at first. But now…now, as he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close, there was potential.

The sound of chatter pushed in, some kind of interview.

“Did you see this?” Kane broke into our moment.

But as Riven broke the kiss and lifted his head, I realised it didn’t matter.

From now on, our lives would be these moments. We were free…we were finally free. I turned my head, finding Kane staring at his cell. “They’re calling yesterday a rival motorcycle gang attack.”

I pushed away from Riven and reached for my coffee. “Of course they are, how else can they explain what really happened?”

“They can’t,” Riven answered. “And so it gets chalked up to this and is swept under the rug.”

I sipped the slightly bitter brew and closed my eyes as I swallowed. Flashes of terror pushed in. Death waited for us…but it didn’t come, not yet. “It doesn’t matter.” I shook my head. “Not anymore.”

“No.” Riven wrapped his arms around me from behind. “Not anymore.”

But that desperate need to push it aside didn’t arise like it should’ve. Not that day or the few days that followed. As hard as we tried to lose ourselves in each other, the weight of responsibility weighed us down.

We slept.

We fucked.

We fucked a lot.

And on the fifth day after the attack, I woke to a message on my cell.

Ryth: Vivienne’s out and wants to see us.

Finally. I smiled and rolled over, to find Riven watching me. “She’s out.” I almost felt giddy with relief. “And she wants to see us.”

“Then, my beautiful seductress, what are you waiting for?”

Nothing. I was waiting for nothing. I jumped up, raced for the bathroom, and showered. Murmurs reached me as I washed and rinsed. Riven walked in naked and stepped into the shower behind me. I kissed him, but left him to shower. By the time I stepped out, the others were ready, dressed in neat casual, even Hunter wore an open-collared shirt and black trousers that pulled taut against his massive thighs.

“You look incredible.” I smiled at them. “So incredible.”

I pulled on a dress, something I hadn’t worn since the day I’d stepped in front of Riven’s car. They all stared, swallowing hard, as I climbed into Explorer and we headed for the city.

THE HEAVY STEEL gates of the Salvatore mansion opened, allowing us to drive inside. I stiffened at the sight of the house and the armed guards patrolling the perimeter, not having expected to be back here. But while Vivienne and London were getting their new house on the upper east side of the city set up, we were all meeting here.

It wasn’t quite a baby shower.

Nor was it a coming home.

It was a celebration of life, of living and surviving, of forging new paths, I guess. But as I turned to grab the big basket that Thomas handed me, I realized that for me, it was about family and friends, and putting the past behind us.

“You ready for this?” Riven asked as Hunter pulled up and switched off the ignition, leaving us to climb out together.

I took a breath and lifted my gaze to the front door as the Salvatore guard opened it, waiting for us to step through. “More than ready.”

Laughter spilled out before we even reached the first step and my God, that sound was alien and perfect all at once. The insistent wail of a baby followed, making me quicken my steps and rush through the door. They were all there, all of them. Tobias, Nick, and Caleb, and little Alias Banks in my sister’s arms, then Vivienne. My beautiful, defiant Vivienne.

I handed Riven the basket, shoving it against his chest before I lunged and rushed forward as she slowly pushed up from the sofa and stepped toward me.

“Hel,” she called.

I wrapped my arms around her and hugged her tight. “Fuck, it’s good to see you.”

She gripped me fiercely, holding on. “It’s good to see you too.”

I couldn’t help it, tears welled in my eyes and slipped down my cheeks. I pulled away and looked into her eyes. “Are you okay?”

She looked tired and weak. Underneath that was a flicker of fear. One I saw in my own reflection.

“I will be,” she answered.

That was the best answer we could give. We will be. I smiled and turned to London and Colt, each of them holding a baby. “Right.” I smiled, swiping away the tears. “Let’s see these kids.”

If I said I didn’t feel a pang of regret from not having my own as I held them, I’d be lying. But this life, this kind of love and devotion wasn’t meant for me. But that didn’t mean I wouldn’t be the most kickass aunt there was.

I held each of them, pulled them close, and inhaled their perfect scent before kissing their foreheads and handed them back. Alias was next, as I pulled Ryth against me, kissing her cheek. “Love you, little sister.”

“We love you,” she answered.

“Very…very much.” Vivienne added, coming closer.

I fucking sobbed, cried and laughed, hugging them hard like I couldn’t get enough of their embraces. How the three of us had come to stand there like this, I’d never know. But we did, and for that I was so very grateful.

We stayed for hours, laughed and drank, eating from platters until the babies went down for naps. Then there was just silence. It wasn’t awkward at all. Just comforting as everyone settled down. Finley and Anna held hands at the end of the table. London had his arm around Vivienne’s shoulders, rubbing the knots from the base of her neck. Ryth sat on Nick’s lap, with Tobias and Caleb on each side of them.

I turned to Riven, his fingers entwined with mine as Kane rested his hand on my thigh. Hunter stood at the back of the room, his eyes twinkling, fixed on me. Thomas was somewhere, walking, praying, finding his own way to salvation.

This was home.

More home than any house in the mountains or in the city.

People. My people.

They were home.

When the sun dipped and the day bordered on dusk, we rose, weary and sated. Then we kissed and hugged, said our goodbyes, and climbed back into the cars. Only we didn’t head for the mountain. Instead, we made for Riven’s house, climbing out of the Explorer as Hunter parked in the garage.


The car door slammed shut, echoing in the space. I flinched at the sound, remembering the crack of gunfire. The thud of steps followed me until a nagging feeling made me stop and turn around. Riven was first inside, making his way through the house with Hunter behind him, leaving Kane and Thomas behind me.

But there was no Thomas.

“What is it?” Kane turned around.

“I’m not sure.” I left him there and headed back to the garage, to finds Thomas standing in the open garage door staring out at the street.

“Thom?” I called. He didn’t turn around, just stared at the shadows at the end of the drive with his fists clenched at his side. “What is it?”

He shook his head, then turned to me, that pained stare full of torment. “Nothing.” He forced a smile, caressing my cheek. “Nothing for you to worry about, at least.”

But I did worry, even when he took my hand, pressed the button, and waited for the door to close. I worried a great deal. I guess I always would.

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