
Fortune 58

Madison and the viewers of the livestream were speechless.

“Is this a sitcom about the best kids ever?

“Could it be that her kids were behind this? A lot of children nowadays can be pretty heartless” ||

“If any of her children were grateful for her, she wouldn’t have suffered ”

“Her children are quite loving. Their “care for her has sent her to the hospital repeatedly. That’s why they say love can kill. This is too hilarious”

Seeing the comments, GracefulAmie immediately shook her head and retorted, “My family cares about me. They have great jobs, and aren’t eyeing the little money I have left. Every year, they give me more than 200 thousand dollars.”

She didn’t want the audience to get the wrong impression, so she elaborated on how her children cared for her.

Madison nodded. “You’re right can tell by your face that your children care about you.

Gracefulle smiled with a mix of resignation and joy. “Having such caring children isn’t always great. They can be a little too controlling.”

Despite her comments, her gentle smile was filed with happiness.

After bragging about it for a little, Gracefulle nervously asked, “If it isn’t something evil or my children’s doing, is it just my bad luck, miss?

As Graceful

spoke, she shook her head be reasonable if it’s a rare occurrence. But misfortune has come to me four times. That’s just too much of a coincidence.” She even wanted to approach the monks in secret, fearing that something sinister might be haunting her and bringing harm to her family

Madison shook her head and remarked, “This isn’t mere coincidence. Your horoscope shows that your energies are too dominant. Mercury’s influence in your chart impedes your wealth and career prospects, and your birth chart describes it as having a singleton planet.

“When your birth chart can’t achieve a balance and the cycles you’re going through only strengthen your energy, the excess energy will bring you negative outcomes.

“In the old days, people believed that having strong but imbalanced energy in your hornsrape meant a life of solitude, the a monk. In modern times, you may not necessarily become a monk. Instead, this translates to a ingallestyle, a long lifespan, and a lonely old age.” noveldrama

Gracemie gaped at the screen in disbelief.

“But I have children and grandchildren now” Graceful regained her composure. I’m almost to years old, with a large family by my side. Even if I pass away now, I wouldn’t be lonely.”

Even though Gracefulle lost her parents when she was y

young and her husband when she was in middle age, she still had her children. It didn’t seem like she had an Imbalanced energy in her horoscope.

The viewers thought about it and agreed with GracefulAmie

“Is that a fel? Like I said, we have to believe in science. Mystic arts is just a sham

“she just likes to act all mystical, but I knew from the start she was a scammer. Her livestreams are scripted, but she’s rich and puts a lot of effort into perfecting the scripts.” “You’re ad.”

“What a flop This is my favorite kind of content.”

“I’m cringing on her behalf right now.”

The online trolls in Madison’s live chat started stirring up trouble

Some skeptical viewers were swayed and started following the crowd in accusing Madison of being a fraud. The livestream was filled with nasty comments.

Any attempts to defend Madison were quickly lost in the comments from the trolls,

Madison glanced at the chat, then said to GracefulAmie, “Your parents must have done many good deeds, which have benefited you. And you’ve continued doing good yourself. which brings you many blessings.

“On top of that, your desting was altered, so you’re blessed with children and grandchildren.”

Hearing that, GracefulAmie started doubting Madison. “My parents passed away before I was ten years old. They’re just common folks. What kind of good deeds have they accomplished?

The viewers celebrated hour things had gone wrong. Some were overjoyed, and some hurled insults everywhere.

“I’m talking about your biological parents.”

GracefulAmie was ready to exit the livestream. But when she heard Madison’s words, she intently stared at the screen. “What?”

Madison responded, “The kindness your biological parents showed has been passed down to you.

“After claiming she’ll die alone, Seeing YourWould said she’s not even blood–related to her parents. That’s so smart to keep the views coming”

The Internet isn’t beyond the reach of the low. You should sue her”

“Do your parents know you have such a sharp tongue? Put yourself in someone else’s shoes. How would you feel if one day, someone told you that you’re adopted?

“Is it a trend in livestream to curse others?

The chat was going wild when Gracefalie’s expression changed. My parents died in a car accident. Before my mom passed away, she told me I wasn’t their child and told me to find my real parents

She was alone with her mother thing her mother’s last moments.

Gravebilunur kept it to herself, and no me else would ever know about it except her

The viewers in the listinum were rendered speechless.

setting the truths. It burned out they wear the clowns all along.

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