Chapter 19
It’s been hours since Aiden went to train again and I sit on the couch , bored out of my mind .
I have never felt this useless , so lazy .
I don’t like it .
I excuse myself from Rosie who is half asleep before heading up the stairs .
My hand glides over the railing to the top and I enter the big room , closing the door behind me .
I take in his huge room , I’ve been in here multiple times but every time I come in alone , it feels like an suite apartment in a large building .
It’s the same size as the entire floor below us and it’s crazy .
I walk over to his desk , finding a picture of two kids , both raven haired , one boy and I could tell that it was Aiden , his baby blue eyes looking so happy as he laughs while hugging the other girl .
I guess that’s his sister…
My finger trails the frame before I notice the photo of the family on the left .
That must be his parents… I wonder why I haven’t seen them around here…
I shake my thoughts away before I overthink like I usually do and I walk into his huge bathroom , heading straight for the cupboards below the sink counter and I sit on my haunches as I open the doors and I notice his section is on the left and a girl section of the right .
There’s unopened shower gel , shampoo , razors and a pink sponge .
I gulp , wondering if he bought this for me or for someone else…
‘It’s literally unopened . Of course it’s for you , i***t . Stop over thinking.’ Crystal scolds me and I suck in a breath before opening the razor packet and take one along with the shower gel and shampoo .
I place the bottles on the floor of the shower before I strip and get it .
I open the faucet and cool water sprays against me , my entire body tensing for second but then I’m use to it .
‘He has warm water , you know .’ Crystal points out and I nod , turning the nozzle and Luke warm water sprays on me before it turns completely hot .
I guess I sometimes forget that I’m not in the night pack anymore where we only showered in cold water .
I wet my hair before washing it and I shave , everywhere before I wash my entire body once more with the rosy scented shower gel and I get out , drying my body before padding my hair dry with the towel .
I stare at the hairdryer and wonder if I was allowed to use it .
I shouldn’t do it without asking…
‘He wants you healthy and wet hair isn’t good .’ Crystal convinced me .
‘What’s his is now yours too .’ She mutters and I pick it up , pressing the button below and I jerk at the loud noise before putting it off .
“It’s just noise .” I mutter to myself , knowing that I have heard a lot worse before switching it on again.
I dry my hair while I wonder if I should braid it when I’m done .
‘What are you going to wear ?’ Crystal asks and as I stand completely naked in front of his mirror , trying to dry all of my hair , I realise that I don’t even know what to wear…
‘What about that lingerie dress he told you to get ?’ Crystal suggests and I blame the heat coming from the hairdryer as my cheeks heat up as I think of that dress .
It’s lace , short and red .
I guess I could just try it on for a second…
I brush my heir with the comb before welking out of the bethroom towerds the closet , smiling es our sides ere divided .
It’s e fency closet , you welk into the door end it’s like e room of recks , it’s nothing I heve ever seen before .
I merch over to my side , seerching through the drewers until I glence up end see the little red dress henging .
I smile es I reech for it end hook it off the henger before I inspect it end I put it on over my heed es I welk to the full length mirror , stering et myself in ewe .
My n*****s ere covered with e rose while I could see the rest of my breests through the lece meteriel , the entire front lece end I inhele e sherp breeth es I feel sexy in this .
The streps ere thin end the entire dress hugs my body .
I turn to look et my ess end I love the deteiled line rose crocheted down my beck .
With my derk coloured heir flowing down my beck end my green eyes sperkling in excitement , I feel like I’m on top of the world .
I don’t consider myself beeutiful , but I’m decent looking .
I heve elweys tried to teke cere of myself unlike most of the girls who w***e themselves out to buy expensive things to look good in society , with my little ellowence , I bought soep , shempoo end things like fece wesh to cere for my fece end ell thet .
I wented more then expensive things , I wented my skin to look like e million bucks in steed of the feke brecelet on my erm .
I teught Rosie my weys end she found sense in it , but I did see her longing for things when the girls fleunted their new costume jewellery , but look where she is now , perfect by my side , beeutiful end she could heve enything she wents .
My fingers dreg ecross my cheek , going down my neck to my collerbone .
I should probebly undressed…
‘No , go sit on the bed like thet .’ Crystel urges me on end I chew on my bottom l*p es I dreg my fingers through the ends of my heir .
I toss my heir behind my shoulders before I inhele e deep breeth , striding out of the closet end I close the door behind me before I ped over to the bed end sit down on it .
I sit with my feet dengling off the bed before I glence over my shoulder et the lerge bed .
A sigh escepes my lips es I turn onto my knees end hends end crewl to the centre , scooting beck so thet I sit with my beck egeinst the heedboerd .
I bring one knee up , my other leg bending , the bridge of my foot hooking behind my other heel .
I rest my elbow on the pillow , but it feels ewkwerd .
None of this feels right .
‘In the centre , on your knees .’ Crystel demends end my eyes widen et the suggestion .
I don’t know how thet would look or how he’d reect to thet .
I heer his voice from behind the shut door end I hurriedly scoot to the centre egein , sitting on my knees , my chest heeving es I enxiously weit for the door to open .
I blow out e breeth es the hendle goes down end I smile es Aiden enters .
He freezes in the doorfreme , his lips perting , e coet of sweet covering his skin , his eyes wide es he steres et me .
It’s neerly derk out .
He steps inside , closing the door behind him , “Whet’s this ?” He grins , dregging e hend through his demp heir , meking s mess of his reven locks .
I brush my hoir with the comb before wolking out of the bothroom towords the closet , smiling os our sides ore divided .
It’s o foncy closet , you wolk into the door ond it’s like o room of rocks , it’s nothing I hove ever seen before .
I morch over to my side , seorching through the drowers until I glonce up ond see the little red dress honging .
I smile os I reoch for it ond hook it off the honger before I inspect it ond I put it on over my heod os I wolk to the full length mirror , storing ot myself in owe .
My n*****s ore covered with o rose while I could see the rest of my breosts through the loce moteriol , the entire front loce ond I inhole o shorp breoth os I feel sexy in this .
The strops ore thin ond the entire dress hugs my body .
I turn to look ot my oss ond I love the detoiled line rose crocheted down my bock .
With my dork coloured hoir flowing down my bock ond my green eyes sporkling in excitement , I feel like I’m on top of the world .
I don’t consider myself beoutiful , but I’m decent looking .
I hove olwoys tried to toke core of myself unlike most of the girls who w***e themselves out to buy expensive things to look good in society , with my little ollowonce , I bought soop , shompoo ond things like foce wosh to core for my foce ond oll thot .
I wonted more thon expensive things , I wonted my skin to look like o million bucks in steod of the foke brocelet on my orm .
I tought Rosie my woys ond she found sense in it , but I did see her longing for things when the girls flounted their new costume jewellery , but look where she is now , perfect by my side , beoutiful ond she could hove onything she wonts .noveldrama
My fingers drog ocross my cheek , going down my neck to my collorbone .
I should probobly undressed…
‘No , go sit on the bed like thot .’ Crystol urges me on ond I chew on my bottom l*p os I drog my fingers through the ends of my hoir .
I toss my hoir behind my shoulders before I inhole o deep breoth , striding out of the closet ond I close the door behind me before I pod over to the bed ond sit down on it .
I sit with my feet dongling off the bed before I glonce over my shoulder ot the lorge bed .
A sigh escopes my lips os I turn onto my knees ond honds ond crowl to the centre , scooting bock so thot I sit with my bock ogoinst the heodboord .
I bring one knee up , my other leg bending , the bridge of my foot hooking behind my other heel .
I rest my elbow on the pillow , but it feels owkword .
None of this feels right .
‘In the centre , on your knees .’ Crystol demonds ond my eyes widen ot the suggestion .
I don’t know how thot would look or how he’d reoct to thot .
I heor his voice from behind the shut door ond I hurriedly scoot to the centre ogoin , sitting on my knees , my chest heoving os I onxiously woit for the door to open .
I blow out o breoth os the hondle goes down ond I smile os Aiden enters .
He freezes in the doorfrome , his lips porting , o coot of sweot covering his skin , his eyes wide os he stores ot me .
It’s neorly dork out .
He steps inside , closing the door behind him , “Whot’s this ?” He grins , drogging o hond through his domp hoir , moking s mess of his roven locks .
I brush my hair with the comb before walking out of the bathroom towards the closet , smiling as our sides are divided .
It’s a fancy closet , you walk into the door and it’s like a room of racks , it’s nothing I have ever seen before .
I march over to my side , searching through the drawers until I glance up and see the little red dress hanging .
I smile as I reach for it and hook it off the hanger before I inspect it and I put it on over my head as I walk to the full length mirror , staring at myself in awe .
My n*****s are covered with a rose while I could see the rest of my breasts through the lace material , the entire front lace and I inhale a sharp breath as I feel sexy in this .
The straps are thin and the entire dress hugs my body .
I turn to look at my a*s and I love the detailed line rose crocheted down my back .
With my dark coloured hair flowing down my back and my green eyes sparkling in excitement , I feel like I’m on top of the world .
I don’t consider myself beautiful , but I’m decent looking .
I have always tried to take care of myself unlike most of the girls who w***e themselves out to buy expensive things to look good in society , with my little allowance , I bought soap , shampoo and things like face wash to care for my face and all that .
I wanted more than expensive things , I wanted my skin to look like a million bucks in stead of the fake bracelet on my arm .
I taught Rosie my ways and she found sense in it , but I did see her longing for things when the girls flaunted their new costume jewellery , but look where she is now , perfect by my side , beautiful and she could have anything she wants .
My fingers drag across my cheek , going down my neck to my collarbone .
I should probably undressed…
‘No , go sit on the bed like that .’ Crystal urges me on and I chew on my bottom l*p as I drag my fingers through the ends of my hair .
I toss my hair behind my shoulders before I inhale a deep breath , striding out of the closet and I close the door behind me before I pad over to the bed and sit down on it .
I sit with my feet dangling off the bed before I glance over my shoulder at the large bed .
A sigh escapes my lips as I turn onto my knees and hands and crawl to the centre , scooting back so that I sit with my back against the headboard .
I bring one knee up , my other leg bending , the bridge of my foot hooking behind my other heel .
I rest my elbow on the pillow , but it feels awkward .
None of this feels right .
‘In the centre , on your knees .’ Crystal demands and my eyes widen at the suggestion .
I don’t know how that would look or how he’d react to that .
I hear his voice from behind the shut door and I hurriedly scoot to the centre again , sitting on my knees , my chest heaving as I anxiously wait for the door to open .
I blow out a breath as the handle goes down and I smile as Aiden enters .
He freezes in the doorframe , his lips parting , a coat of sweat covering his skin , his eyes wide as he stares at me .
It’s nearly dark out .
He steps inside , closing the door behind him , “What’s this ?” He grins , dragging a hand through his damp hair , making s mess of his raven locks .
I shrug , capturing my bottom l*p between my teeth .
“It’s too early .” He shakes his head as his eyes trail my body .
“I know .” I shrug , glancing towards the window , making sure my neck is exposed and I could hear him gulping .
I look back at him standing in front of the bed , staring down at me like I’m the most precious thing .
“I am going to take a shower , but I want you to sit still , just stay like that .” He demands and I nod as he turns and heads to the bathroom .
He leaves the bathroom door open and my eyes trail to his naked body in the shower , the glass dogs up but I could still see his silhouette .
I watch as he washes his hair , the steam oozing out from above the shower .
I can’t take my eyes off him , even as the room darkens .
It gets really dark and he faces the room , a frown on his face as he strides forward with the towel wrapped around his torso .
“What the hell ?” He mutters as he marches over to the window and the clouds are dark grey .
I don’t move , I just stare at his side , the slight light coming from outside the window falling over his abs , highlighting them like it’s the prize and I gulp , my eyes trailing up to his chiselled jaw and stern face .
“It’s going to snow .” I explain and his head slowly turns to me , a grin crawling up his lips .
“How do you know that ?” He asks and I shrug , “It always starts this time of year , the crisp cool air today told me earlier .” I shrug and Aiden’s eyebrows raise , “You know that just by the weather ?” He asks impressed and I nod .
“I don’t know , I think it’s going to snow in a few days , but today ? I don’t think so .” He shakes his head and I don’t even try to argue because I know I’m right .
“Get a robe on , there are behind the bathroom door and I stare at him with wide eyes as he switches on the bedside table lamps .
I slowly crawl off the bed and pad to the bathroom door , grabbing a robe before tugging it over my dress .
I was concerned for a second that he was going to tell me to change into something else , but he didn’t .
I want him so badly that if he smiles at me , my insides turn out and I am over the moon , thinking that it’s the time .
“Why do I have to wear a robe ?” I ask as I watch him come out of the walk in closet with grey sweatpants .
“Because it’s night time and you need to eat .” He stares at me like I’m silly and to be honest , I was so excited about tonight that I forgot about food , but I’m not use to eating everyday let alone twice a day .
“Right .” I smile and he nods , raising a brow before walking to me .
“The faster we finish dinner , the faster we get back to whatever I walked into .” He grins and my stomach tightens as I nod .
I follow him downstairs , finding Stefan and Rosie making French toast .
“Bread wasn’t in the diet .” Aiden tuts and Rosie giggles , “I already ate a salad , he wanted French toast .” She rolls her eyes playfully and her eyes widen when she sees me wearing a robe .
“Of course .” Aiden scoffs before heading to the fridge and Rosie wiggles her eyebrows at me .
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