Just Like That (The Kings)

Just Like That: Chapter 38

I paced across the living room floor. JP had been gone for nearly two hours, and panic was setting in. After their ice cream, Teddy was buzzing from the sugar, and it took a hot bath and two bedtime stories to get him relaxed enough to close his eyes.

Alone in the kitchen, I whittled my nail polish down to nothing while reading the paternity results again.

And again.

And again.

Shock had morphed into utter, aching sadness.

Every time I had smiled when Teddy did something that reminded me of JP—every frown, their uptight nature, all the quirks that silently reassured me JP was his dad—meant nothing. The two were similar because they were related.


The thought of Olive sharing a bed with Russell King sickened me. If only there was a way I could talk to her—one last time—and ask the dozens of questions I still had.

An idea sparked to life, and I pulled out my phone.

How much do you know about performing a séance?


More than most, less than some?

I can make that work.

Got someone you need to talk to?

My sister.noveldrama

Send me the address. I’m on my way, but we’ll need reinforcements to amplify the signal.

Thinking on my feet, I created a group chat with some of the women from the Bluebirds. Hopefully they wouldn’t think I was completely losing it and at least a few of them would be open to helping. I toyed with my lip and thought of the best way to explain what I needed but opted for a direct, lighthearted approach.

Hi! It’s Hazel. I’m hoping the Bluebirds can come through for me tonight. It’s a big ask, but I need anyone open and willing to come to a séance? I wouldn’t ask if it wasn’t important.


When and where?

JP’s house. Immediately?


He’s going to hate that. I am definitely in.


Let’s do this!


I can be there in five.


Sloane, pick me up.


I want to come!


Me too!


Well I’m not missing it either. Carpool!

One by one, my phone chimed with enthusiastic support. I grinned even when a ripple of nerves ran down my back. I needed to get moving to create the perfect space for my sister’s spirit to come through.

Sure, I’d never actually successfully conjured a spirit, but there’s a first time for everything, right?

Drawing in a cleansing breath, I centered myself before gathering our supplies. I laid a blanket across the kitchen island. Rummaging through the kitchen drawers, I found a few emergency candles that would have to do. I tossed them in the middle of the island and pulled open the spice cabinet. Thanks to JP’s meticulous nature, they were alphabetized and I grabbed out a few sprigs of rosemary. I hurried as I found my tarot cards, white sage, and the picture I had of JP and my sister.

I stared down at her grinning face and my heart ached. JP looked so young and free. Olive was fierce and having the time of her life.

I placed the picture down on the makeshift altar and unlocked the front door. Moments later, headlights turned into the driveway, and I waved.

One by one the women piled out of the SUV. Luna wasn’t far behind them.

On the porch, I lowered my voice. “Teddy is asleep so we’ll have to be quiet. Thanks for showing up.”

MJ peered around my shoulder. “Where’s my brother? Is he in on this?”

I swallowed. “He’s . . . out right now.”

I moved toward the door when Luna stepped forward. “For this to work, we need to clear our energy. Any skeptics or those not open to the possibility of connecting to the other side will only ruin the experience. Now is the time to excuse yourself.”

Our eyes floated across one another as we were cloaked in darkness.

In a silent agreement, tiny nods rippled through the semicircle of women.

“Okay then.” Luna nodded. “Let’s go.”

We arranged ourselves in a circle around the kitchen island. Luna took a small dish from the cupboard and filled it with water as I arranged the altar. Curious eyes stared in wonder, but the women stayed silent.

I held out my hands at each side. “Please hold hands.”

The women joined hands, completing the circle.

I closed my eyes and let the quiet surround me. In a shaky whisper, I set our intentions. “Thank you for being here. I am lost and need answers. Thank you for being sisters in support.” My hands were both squeezed in a show of sisterhood, and I smiled. There was no judgment, only soft, supportive smiles.

I looked to Luna and nodded.

She lit the candles in the center of the makeshift altar, and a gleam sparked in her eye. Her eyebrows bounced. “Let’s find some ghosts, shall we?”

Nerves tickled my belly as the soft smoke from the white sage floated toward the ceiling. Luna breathed in and out, her head drifting back until her face tilted toward the ceiling.

“This is so cool,” MJ whispered.

Beside her, Kate bumped MJ’s arm. “Focus. We’re supposed to be . . . channeling or whatever.”

Small giggles rippled through the circle.

Luna grinned. “The energy feels good. You’ve chosen the right amplifiers.”

I smiled at the women who’d shown up for me.

“Close your eyes,” Luna instructed. “Tonight we seek answers from Olive Adams. We welcome only spirits with good intentions to join our circle. Make your presence known.”

I silently repeated Luna’s incantation, peeking one eye open. Everyone was holding hands and kept their eyes closed.

Luna repeated her words, then added, “If you are with us, make your presence known.”

A light gasp forced my eyes open. Kate was staring at the candles in the center. “One went out.”

A chill ran up my back.

“Keep the circle intact. Hold hands,” Luna gently instructed. “Olive Adams, if you are with us, your sister Hazel seeks your knowledge and comfort. Make your presence known.”

When the second candle flickered and sputtered out, my stomach dropped so quickly it nearly fell out of my butt. My heartbeat ticked higher.

Luna grinned. “Go on,” she whispered to me. “Ask her.”

I looked around the circle. I wasn’t prepared to drop the news that Teddy wasn’t JP’s child, so I chose my words carefully. “Olive, it’s me.” Tears burned in my nose. “I miss you.” My friends squeezed my hands, and I took a breath. “I know the truth . . . at least some of it. I need your help figuring the rest out.” I looked around.

The air was eerily still, but nothing happened. “Please,” I pleaded.

One hot tear burned a path down my cheek. “Please, Olive. I don’t know what to do.”

We all gasped when a loud thud broke the silence behind us.

My head whipped around to see my purse had tumbled off the table and its contents spilled on the ground, her folded letter spinning to a stop near my foot.

“Holy fuck,” someone whispered.

“Any more questions?” Luna asked me.

I was rooted to the spot. I had about twelve billion questions, but all I could do was stare at my purse and shake my head.

“Thank you for joining us,” Luna said. “We thank you for your guidance and love. You may go in peace.” She let her hands drop and clapped her hands together.

We all jumped as Luna laughed. “Woo! That was fucking wild!”

I pressed my fingertips to my cheeks, breaking the circle and exhaling.

Murmurs rippled through the women. We were all in various stages of shock and disbelief over what we’d just experienced.

“Are we a coven now?” Annie asked.

Luna threw her arm around her shoulders. “If you want to be, babe.”

Sloane grinned. “Well, this beats a rerun of shitty reality TV.”

“No kidding,” Veda agreed.

Sylvie turned to Luna. “Are you for hire?”

I eyed my overturned bag as MJ stood next to me. “What do you think is in there?”

I shook my head and crouched to gather the spilled contents. “I guess I’ll find out.”

I scooped the contents back into my bag, leaving my sister’s letter. It was heavy in my hand.

Luna leaned into me and whispered, “Maybe the answers you need are already there?”

I shook my head. “I’ve read it a thousand times.”

Luna patted my back. “Fresh eyes see new opportunities.”

I looked at the creased pages. “Maybe.”

Sylvie came up behind me. “Do you want us to stay?”

My throat was tight. “No,” I whispered. “I think I need to sit with this for a minute.”

Her soft, reassuring smile brought me comfort. In her maternal and loving way, she rounded up the women.

My friends.

I couldn’t have done it without them. Once they’d left, I stared at Olive’s words. Tilting my face to the ceiling, I whispered to her, “Help me see what you need me to see.”

I looked again.

We sought comfort in each other.

The words from Olive’s letter brought on a new meaning now that we knew the truth. After she sought out JP, Russell had met with her. Somehow they’d ended up sleeping together, and that was when she got pregnant.

But why had she come in the first place? Could it be that she was actually trying to get money out of JP by saying she was pregnant when she wasn’t? Why pretend JP was Teddy’s dad at all? Unless she had discovered for herself what a monster Russell really was . . .

Tears blurred my vision as I sifted through her words.

I came to realize Russell wasn’t the man I thought he was either.

But I am out of time and out of choices.

One day you’ll see that I’m doing this for Teddy. So he has a chance to have a father who has the capacity to love him. Without JP, Teddy may never have that.

I read, and reread, her scribbled words.

A father, not his father. Over time, she had seen Russell’s true colors. Maybe in her desperate mind, she thought the best option would be to fool everyone, including Teddy, into thinking JP had been the man to get her pregnant.

I read over the rambling words again, landing on anything that could give me a clue as to how she could be capable of something so deceitful.

I’ve done things I’m not proud of. I’ve been hurt and angered by men who thought I would stay quiet and fade into the background. I know who I am, but please let Teddy believe his mother was a good person.

I sank to the floor.

The truth had been in her rambling, emotion-fueled letter all along, and I didn’t need a séance to prove it.

She wanted Teddy to believe that his mother was good. She was so desperate that she was willing to lie.

I hated to think such thoughts about my own sister, but given the recent revelations, it was entirely possible. Olive had done things she wasn’t proud of . . . like having a one-night stand with JP—a rich, handsome man—and lying about an accidental pregnancy to get some money out of him.

My stomach rolled and I swallowed back the nausea.

Trouble was, Olive hadn’t counted on JP’s dad. Russell King was a master manipulator. I could easily understand how a man like him would prey on a young, vulnerable woman and use her to his sick advantage.

Russell had conned her into bed and gotten her pregnant. She continued to see him in secret and accept his money. How Olive truly felt about being his mistress was a secret she had taken with her.

He’d given her money, jewelry, and promises.

My sister had lied to me—that much was clear. Olive had molded the narrative so that everyone would believe it was JP who had gotten her pregnant.

She was a dying mother who was searching for a way to paint herself in the best light possible.

I didn’t agree with her choices, but a tiny part of me could understand them.

My chest ached and my mind was racing with how I was ever going to explain this to a seven-year-old.

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