Just One More Temptation (The Sterling Family Book 4)

Just One More Temptation: Chapter 14

“I intend to take you on a real date one of these days,” Noah said, as they settled onto his large sofa. They’d cleaned up from an ordered-in Italian dinner which they’d eaten while also enjoying a bold, red wine.noveldrama

She smiled. “I’d love that,” she murmured.

But she seemed subdued and preoccupied, and though he assumed she was worried about Clara, he wondered if there wasn’t something more going on. Not wanting to push right away, he steered the conversation to his mom’s birthday, the twins’ love of cake, and he complimented Fallon on the gift she’d bought for his mother. It definitely topped the robe he’d bought as his present.

He waited until Fallon had eaten and consumed enough wine to relax her before turning to more serious topics. “How is Clara?” he asked.

Fallon raised one shoulder and lowered it again. “I’m not sure. She looks pale and tired, and they’re running tests. I left because her son was there, but frankly he’s useless. He doesn’t care about his mother unless she’s lending him money.” Little worry lines creased between her eyes.

“I’m sorry,” he said. “I know how much you care about her.” He leaned against the sofa cushion and pulled Fallon with him, wrapping an arm around her shoulders.

With a sigh, she leaned her head against him. “Today was hard. Clara started talking about revising her will.” Her voice grew shaky and he understood how difficult the subject was for her.

“I’m here and I’m listening,” he said.

She pushed herself away and turned to face him. “She said she’s leaving me the gallery! And I didn’t know what to say. I mean, she has a son who she could give her business to, but she said she knows how much I love it and that I’ll pass on that love to people who come in to shop.”

“What a generous thing to do,” he said, as surprised as Fallon seemed to be.

She nodded. “I’ve always wanted my own gallery and she knew that. I do have a trust fund that I could use to open my own business, but I wanted to soak up as much knowledge as I could from Clara before I acted to fulfill that dream. I know how fortunate I am and I didn’t want to just open a gallery only to have to close it again because I hadn’t done my due diligence.”

“Smart of you,” he murmured, admiring her intelligence and ability to see past just having the money. He operated his life the same way.

Tears filled her eyes and he wiped at her damp cheek. “Happy tears?” he asked.

“A combination. I don’t like to think of Clara dying.” She visibly swallowed hard. “It reminds me of losing my mother.”

He sighed, feeling her pain. “You never told me what happened to her.” Reaching out, he took her hand, hoping their connection would allow her to trust him.

She glanced down, then met his gaze. “I was ten when it happened. My father owns an investment firm and he had a client that directed Dad’s investments, then blamed him when he lost a lot of money. Dad had tried to warn him but he believed the stocks would turn around.”

He waited in silence, letting her gather her thoughts.

She cleared her throat. “Anyway, one night over the summer, Dad was out at a business dinner and I was sleeping upstairs. Aiden, Jared, and Dex were at summer camp. Remy was seventeen and he’d stayed home.” Her voice shook as she spoke and he stroked his thumb over the top of her hand.

“Take your time,” he said, waiting patiently.

She blew out a breath and nodded, indicating she was ready again. “Remy was supposed to take Mom and me out for dinner but some girl he liked called and wanted to see him, so he blew us off.” Her lips lifted in a wry smile. “I remember being so annoyed at the time. But then Mom and I ordered in and watched a movie, and after, I went to my bed to sleep.”

She paused and Noah braced himself for… he didn’t know what. “Dad’s client broke into the house and shot my mother. He was punishing my dad for his business losses. He killed her while I was upstairs sleeping.” She sniffed and the tears fell from her eyes.

“Oh, sweetheart. I’m so sorry.” Noah held out his arms and she burrowed in, settling in his lap to accept his comfort. Sliding a hand up the back of her shirt, he rubbed slow circles, calming her as she cried.

After a while, she hiccupped and pulled back, her eyes red but she was no less beautiful to him.

“No matter how much time passes, when I talk about her, it still feels as painfully fresh as when it happened.”

“You were a little girl. You understand so much more now. It must be like reliving the loss.”

She nodded. Blinked. And more moisture leaked from her eyes. “I’m sorry,” she said, rubbing her eyes with the arm of her sweater.

“For what? Getting emotional? Please. I’m just glad you feel like you can let go with me.”

She tipped her head, studying him, as if seeing him for the first time. “I do,” she said, surprise in her voice.

She moved to him, placed her hands on his shoulders, and sealed her lips over his.

His desire to comfort her was as strong as his physical need. Pulling her against him, he slid a hand into her hair, cupping her head and deepening the kiss.

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