Just One More Temptation (The Sterling Family Book 4)

Just One More Temptation: Chapter 5

Noah had questioned his sanity every day since he’d let Fallon know he’d meet her at The Back Door tonight. The last time he’d seen her at the gallery had been all his doing. He’d been working until his stomach rumbled, insisting it was lunchtime. He told himself he had a craving for a roast beef sandwich at the deli, which just happened to be around the corner from Fallon’s gallery. He also knew he was full of shit.

He’d just wanted to get a glimpse of the woman in flowing skirts and delicate ballet flats with the ever-present smile. None of which explained why he was now walking into the crowded restaurant and bar owned by Fallon’s brother, to see a band he had no interest in and the female he couldn’t get out of his head. He tried to pay a cover fee at the door, only to be asked his name and told he’d been comped. He’d have to remember to thank Fallon later.

Once inside, he scanned the crowded room, looking for her. The spots near the stage and at the bar were the busiest and it was hard to pick anyone out until his gaze landed on a group of people near a hallway. Fallon’s profile and shiny brown hair caught his attention and he began to walk toward her, stopping when she threw her arms around a tall, dark-haired man, remaining in his embrace. When she stepped back, he kept one arm around her shoulders as they talked with the rest of the group.

Jealousy sliced through him, taking him off guard, and he strode toward them, determined to remind Fallon she’d invited him this evening.

As if sensing his presence, she turned and met his gaze, her expressive eyes filled with pleasure.

“Noah! You made it!” She rushed over, grasped his hand, and pulled him into the cluster of men. “Aiden, Jared, Dex, and Remy,” she said, pointing to each. “This is Noah Powers, the dad of the adorable twins I told you about. Noah, meet my brothers.”

Jesus, he thought, noticing all four men glaring at him. What the hell had he done to deserve that kind of greeting? Then again, that’s how he’d treat any guy he didn’t know that his sister—or sometime in the very distant future, his girls—brought home.

He extended his hand, unsure whose he’d shake first. Remy, who she’d introduced last, gripped his hand first, squeezing in a definite warning before releasing him. The others followed suit.

By the time they finished, Fallon was shaking her head, her gaze narrowed on her siblings. “You’re a bunch of overprotective assholes,” she said to them.

Noah reached out and put a comforting hand against her back. “They’re just doing their jobs as your brothers.”

“And what job is that?” a pretty light brown-haired woman asked, slipping under Remy’s shoulder so he was holding her against him.

“I invited Noah to come see the band and Remy is giving him a hard time. You know, that deliberately hard male handshake? They pulled that stunt,” Fallon said, her lips twisted in disgust.

The woman stepped back, placing her hands on her hips. “Remy Sterling, leave your sister alone,” she ordered, before turning her attention to Noah and looking him over. “Hello, Noah. I’m this Neanderthal’s wife, Raven.” She smiled warmly at him, her welcome greeting reaching her eyes.

“A pleasure to meet you. And everything is fine here,” Noah said.

The other brothers chuckled and both women shot them annoyed glares.

“Come on, Noah. Let’s get away from them for a while.”

He nodded. “Sure. I’d like a drink. Does anyone want anything?” he asked, being pleasant in the face of their silence.

“No, thank you,” came the replies.

She slipped her hand into his, surprising him, and steered him away from her family. Instead of the bar, she led him into the nearby hallway that wasn’t as crowded as the main room. “I am so sorry,” she said. “I didn’t think they’d be such jerks.”

“I don’t mind them sizing me up. I just don’t like that they upset you.” And despite him empathizing with their older brother roles, he thought of another reason they were wary. “I’m sure they aren’t thrilled I’m a good ten years older than you.”

She sighed. “I’m impressed you figured that out. I should tell you, your age is exactly what’s bothering them.” She nibbled on her bottom lip and he saw the indecision on whether to continue in her antsy body movements as she shifted from foot to foot.

He sensed she needed a push and selfishly, he wanted to learn more about her. “I’m a good listener,” he offered.

And they’d eased their way to the nearest wall and he stepped close to Fallon so she didn’t have to yell over the din from the outer room.

“The story is a little embarrassing, but here goes. When I was in college, I studied art history.” She nibbled some more on her lip and the desire to rub his finger over the spot grew stronger. “Anyway, sophomore year, one of my professors seemed to single me out for his undivided attention. He was cultured and brilliant, and when he spoke to me, it felt like no one else was in the room.” She blew out a long breath after the rush of words, rubbing her hands together nervously as she spoke. “Even his name was elegant. Dr. Ezra Manheim encouraged me to come to his office hours and he’d always get to me last, so I was the only one left and we could be alone.”noveldrama

Shit. Noah could see where this was going and he didn’t like it one bit. “He seduced you,” he said, certain of the outcome.

“It wasn’t that difficult.” She dipped her head, as if the admission embarrassed her.

It was obvious she blamed herself when in reality, an older man had abused his power and taken advantage of a young woman, he thought with disgust.

“The affair was forbidden. If anyone found out he could lose his job, but he said it was worth it. I was worth it. It was intense and I guess because I was young and looked up to him as being so worldly, I thought I was in love. I believed we had a future because he spoke in those terms and lured me in with all the amazing travels we’d do together.”

Noah would like to throttle the man. “I’m sorry, sweetheart. He had no right to toy with your emotions.” He knew this story wasn’t easy for her to tell but he was curious. “What happened?” he asked, keeping his voice gentle.

“Well, the end of my sophomore year, I stopped by his office to surprise him and I found him with an older woman I’d never seen before. She was his fiancée who often traveled for work.”

He winced on her behalf. “Ouch.”

Nodding, Fallon continued. “She had a huge ring on her finger she flashed around as she spoke. After Ezra introduced us, ignoring who I’d been to him, he suggested she meet him at home so he could see what his student needed.” Fallon shook her head in disbelief.

It was clear she still felt that raw hurt all these years later.

“She left and he informed me our affair was over, since the fiancée I didn’t know about had returned. I admit I got hysterical as I asked about all the plans we’d made. He just laughed and called me naïve.” She raised one shoulder and dropped it again. “Turns out he picks one female student a year to lavish his affections on and he chose me.” Her lips turned downward in a frown he’d never seen on her pretty face before.

“He’s a selfish bastard,” Noah muttered, just now realizing his hands were clenched in tight fists.

Releasing them, he drew a deep breath and focused on Fallon. He tipped her chin up so she looked him in the eye, her eyes shimmering with unshed tears. “It was a difficult lesson to learn but you survived the rejection and you’re better for it. He never deserved you.”

“Damn right he didn’t.” She smiled but it wasn’t bright and happy, not that he blamed her.

Just then, a drumroll sounded.

“Oh! The band is starting soon. Come on!” Obviously happy for the distraction, she pulled him out of the hallway, eager to put the memory behind her.

She released his hand and he followed her swaying hips toward the band. But her description of her past relationship left Noah with a sick feeling in the pit of his stomach. He desired her beyond all reason, but he didn’t want to be another older man who hurt her in the end.

* * *

Relieved for the distraction from the soul-baring she’d just done, Fallon started toward the stage. She walked past Brooke, who called her over. She stepped toward her friend with Noah at her back.

“Is everything okay? You were gone a long time,” she said, looking from Fallon to Noah who remained silent.

“Of course. We were just… talking.” But Brooke knew Fallon as well as she knew herself and she’d obviously read something in Fallon’s expression that had her concerned.

She narrowed her gaze. “If you say so, but I’m here if you need me. Here.” She held out a full drink. “I haven’t taken a sip yet and I can get another one.”

“You’re a good friend, Brookie,” she said, using her childhood nickname. She accepted the glass and took a long sip. “I’m going to get closer to the band. Want to come?”

Brooke shook her head. “I think I’ll wait here.” Her gaze drifted to Aiden and not for the first time, Fallon wondered what had happened between her sibling and Brooke to make her friend sad when Aiden’s name came up or he was around.

“Okay, well, you know where to find me.”

Fallon turned to Noah. “Sorry about that. Let’s go up front.” Once there, she began to sway to the music, the alcohol sliding through her veins and leaving her with a happy, bubbly feeling.

She’d promised Noah fun and she wanted him to let loose and relax for a change. Unfortunately, he remained stiff and unyielding as the crowd filled in around her. Soon she was dancing with other women, moving to the music and enjoying herself, keeping an eye on the sexy man the whole time.

If she couldn’t get Noah to dance, she could at least tease him while she did. She loved the feel of the soft gauzy material of her skirt flowing around her legs. And she admitted to herself, she’d chosen her bright-colored cropped top with Noah in mind, knowing she’d bare more of her stomach as she moved.

Noah stood off to the side, his gaze hot as he watched her. Closing her eyes, she raised her arms, undulating back and forth, getting lost in the rhythm of the talented band. If her shirt raised higher as she stretched, even better.

Suddenly, strong arms came up behind her, wrapped around her waist, and pulled her against him, grinding against her rear. Until that unwanted movement, she’d thought Noah had changed his mind but she knew instantly the uptight man wasn’t the type to grind in public.

She tried to wriggle out of the man’s grasp but he didn’t release her. “Let go!” she yelled over the music.

When he refused to listen, she raised her leg and brought her foot down hard on his. Unfortunately, her ballet slipper didn’t offer much in the way of weight or pain.

“Bitch!” he yelled in her ear.

Her stomach pitched and suddenly she was free. She spun in time to see Noah grab the man’s wrist in his hand. “Ever hear no means no?” A red flush of anger stained his cheeks.

“Let go, asshole,” the obviously drunk man slurred.

“Oh, that’s ironic,” Fallon said.

“I’ve got this,” Remy said, stepping in between her and the jerk of a man. “My bar, my problem.”

“My pleasure.” Noah released the jerk and he stumbled into Remy, who grabbed the back of his shirt. “Let’s go. You’re banned.” He jerked the man toward the back of the bar where the entrance was located, hence the establishment’s name. He looked back at Noah. “Take care of my sister,” he said and dragged the complaining guy out of sight.

She glanced at Noah and this time, he grasped her hand and pulled her off the dance floor. “There’s a reason I don’t come to bars anymore,” he muttered, leading her the way her brother had gone.

“Where are we going?” she asked, rushing to keep up with him.

“Outside where it’s quiet!” Holding her hand, he strode past the bouncer at the door, a man she knew and waved to, and they burst into the fresh, quiet, night air.

Remy, just returning, shot Noah a warning look, and headed inside. She hoped Noah ignored her brother’s narrowed gaze. Lord knew she intended to.

“Whew!” she said, catching her breath. “The Back Door doesn’t usually get such handsy men. Then again, the band is a new thing and I guess it can lend to a more drunken crowd.”

A glance at Noah told her he was still furious. “He put his hands on you,” he said, his voice a low growl.

His protectiveness wasn’t new to her. She had four brothers, after all. But Noah’s kind held more than a hint of possessiveness that she couldn’t deny made her want him even more. There weren’t many people on the sidewalk. Most were inside where the entertainment was. She took his hand and walked a few steps, luring him into an alcove with more privacy for what she had in mind.

Feeling brave, no doubt due to the alcohol, she slid a hand around his neck, pulled him close, and sealed her lips over his.

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