Just This Once (The Kings)

: Chapter 10

Charles Attwater was a terrible dancer.

I was fairly certain he would be a terrible kisser too. When I had accepted his invitation to dance, I had no idea the smooth-talking sommelier would be so utterly hopeless on the dance floor. There would be a zero percent chance I would be confirming my suspicions regarding his ability to kiss.

My poor toes were rioting in protest, desperate for a break.

“I’ll be back.” I held up my hands and smiled politely.

“Are you sure? This is a good one.” Charles bit into his lower lip and shimmied his shoulders in what could only be described as bad, White-man dancing.

I held up my fingers. “Two minutes.”

I swiveled on my heels, needing a moment alone. My shoulders sagged, and a deep exhale soothed my bunched muscles as I turned from him, escaping toward the darkened hallway that led to the ladies’ room.

Despite the run-down honky-tonk vibe of the Grudge, the women’s bathroom was spacious and bright. The gods of the ladies’ room must have been smiling down on me, because it was also blissfully empty.

If my date wasn’t so sad, it would have almost been hilarious. My mother and I had stopped into Charles’s wine shop after she’d eagerly encouraged Charles and I to “go out and have a little fun.” I had tried to laugh it off, but Charles agreed and called to set up a date the very next day. Knowing I needed to excise a certain rugged and infuriating firefighter from my brain, I had reluctantly agreed.

Charles’s initial enthusiasm had been flattering, but I had quickly learned he was about as exciting as a cold, wet blanket.

I’ve really got to stop letting her set me up on dates.

The heavy bathroom door swung open, and my eyes flicked to the entry to offer a flat, polite greeting. My eyes widened when Whip sauntered in looking like hot sex on a stick. His chest strained the cotton of his shirt. His jeans molded to his thighs, and my eyes paused, only a fraction of a second, on his front, where I knew all too well that a thick, pierced, glorious cock was residing.

I straightened, my lips parted in shock as he made no move to leave the restroom.

Heat and desire rippled through me without warning as Whip’s cocky grin hooked the corner of his mouth.

The silence was fraught with tension. I gave Whip my coolest expression, hoping like hell he couldn’t sense the nerves jittering out of me. “You lost?”

Whip leaned against the bathroom door, blocking anyone from entering and breaking our cocoon. “I came to find out why.”

My brows furrowed. “Why what?”

Whip shook his head and threw a thumb over his shoulder. “Why that guy?”

His jeans hugged his trim hips, and his thighs filled them out in a way that sent warmth buzzing through me. His arms were covered in intricate tattoos that disappeared into his too-tight shirtsleeves. Our late-night romp hadn’t offered me the opportunity to really study them, but in the bright lighting of the bathroom, I could see how simple, yet detailed, they were.

My eyes flitted to his, and he stood, patiently waiting for me to answer his question.

I blinked, swallowing down the tension that had stolen my voice. “He called and asked me out on a proper date.”

Whip scoffed but made no effort to move. “I would have called if you hadn’t bolted.”

I rinsed my hands for no other reason than to give myself something to do and reached for a paper towel, which was a mistake because I caught the irresistible, masculine scent of Whip’s cologne. “You work for my dad.”

Whip kicked off the door to tower behind me. I went still and caught his gaze in the mirror. His nose brushed against my hair, and he inhaled. “Do you always do what Daddy tells you to?”

Sizzling currents rolled down my back. “You’re being ridiculous. This is the ladies’ room. Someone could walk in.”

Whip chuckled behind me, his rumbling laugh vibrating my back. “We’re just talking. Is that against the rules?”

I resisted the urge to arch backward and rub against him like a cat in heat. “You’re flirting.”

Whip King was cocky and stubborn and knew exactly how to push my buttons. It annoyed me that I was beyond intrigued. The air between us grew thick and heavy. The thumping bass continued just beyond the door to the bathroom. At any moment someone could barge in and catch me melting over a man I had no right to be craving.

In the mirror, I could see Whip thinking, weighing his options as carefully as I was. He stared for a beat, and I could see the humor in his eyes melt away and be replaced with something darker.


He reached up and cupped my jaw, tilting my head back and exposing the column of my neck. My thighs pressed together as my breath hitched. His wide hand tilted my head to the side, pulling my face to his.

My eyes adjusted to get a glimpse of how painfully handsome he was. His cut jawline, sharp cheekbones, and full lips were making my insides scream for him. All he had to do was inch forward and take.

“Do you want me to kiss you?” His breath was hot and minty across my parted lips.

My lips opened for him. Pinned between his hard body and the sink, I sucked in a breath.

Unlike any man I’d been around before, Whip knew how to lead. Melting into him was effortless and aching.

My hesitation was his answer, and he relaxed his grasp on my jaw.

His nose ran down the edge of mine, and his mouth hovered above me. “When you’re finally ready to be kissed again, I’m going to make you beg for it.”

Instead of kissing me, his thumb ran across my bottom lip. A hot bolt of arousal shot between my legs. His words were infuriating. Arrogant. Spoken like a dirty secret in the hidden shadows of a bar bathroom.

I could barely breathe, and defensiveness coursed through me. Rippling with pent-up frustration, I shouldered past him. “Get over yourself.”

I yanked open the bathroom door just as another woman was entering. Her shocked stare flicked between Whip and me before a sly, appreciative smile overtook her face.

He’s exactly like Craig, and you fell for it.


Embarrassment flooded my cheeks, forcing my voice to tick up several octaves higher than necessary. “Excuse me!”

The woman huffed and stood to the side as heat prickled my scalp and I hurried into the safe anonymity of the crowded bar.

Charles may be a dud, but Whip King was nothing but trouble.

“Remind me again how this is for charity?”

Rachel stood next to me with her arms crossed and cocked her head in my direction. “You’re going to tell me you wouldn’t throw your hard-earned money at a group of firefighters just to get a peek at what’s underneath all that turn-out gear?” She pursed her lips and shook her head.

“And you call yourself a feminist.” I playfully rolled my eyes and bumped a shoulder into hers. “I just think that there are classier ways to beg people for money.”

She laughed. “That may be true, but when this car wash starts in about twenty minutes and you see the line of vehicles down the block, you’ll change your tune. The car wash makes big bucks, baby.”

My eyes swept over the growing crowd. Rachel had a point. The car wash wasn’t set to start for another few minutes, and there was already an eager line forming.

My presence was merely a fact-finding mission. Part of my scheme to prove my worth at Outtatowner Junior High was volunteering to head the Outtatowner Education Foundation. The foundation was previously governed by the school librarian, Mrs. Kuder, but when her idea of the third seniors’ bingo night of the year wasn’t embraced with much enthusiasm, she’d been asked to step down as chairperson. Rumor was the grouchy old lady had egged the principal’s car. Given her surly demeanor, that was a tall tale I wholeheartedly believed—Scooter Kuder was a wild card.

I needed some ideas—good ones—that encouraged the residents of town to open their hearts, and their wallets. The foundation’s funds also hadn’t been managed well, so there were very few dollars left for things like new books for the outdated library, extra school supplies for kids who couldn’t afford them, or much-needed after-school enrichment programs. It didn’t matter that I was the new girl in town. I was confident I could make a difference and help the principal see that I would be the perfect full-time addition to his staff.

Ideas were already percolating. I just hadn’t settled on exactly how to get the town behind my ideas.

“I haven’t seen him yet,” Rachel said, leaning down to whisper. Pulled from my thoughts, I turned to her frowning, and she shot me a bland look. “Whip. I know he is who you’re looking for, but I haven’t seen him yet.”

I set my shoulders, determined not to let the mere mention of his name send ripples down my spine. “I’m only here to find my in. I’m not a townie, so I need to see what makes this place tick. I’m not looking for anyone, least of all him.”

A dimple popped in Rachel’s cheek when she gave me a disbelieving smile. “If you say so.”

I raised my eyebrows at my friend, hoping to nudge the attention off myself. “Maybe it’s you who is looking for him.”

Rachel chuckled, and her delicate fingers covered her lips. “Uh, no.” Her fuchsia manicured finger pointed at one of the female firefighters with long black hair, slicked into a high, braided ponytail. “She’s more my type.”

I raised my eyebrow in surprise and nodded once. “Oh. Nice.”

In my short time knowing Rachel, she hadn’t shared with me her interest in women, and a tiny pang of guilt poked my insides. I resolved to be a better friend to her from here on out, worrying less about my own disaster of a love life and more about getting to know the woman who had been nothing but kind and caring since I had arrived in Outtatowner.

“She is beautiful.” I toyed with the ends of my own lackluster dishwater-blonde hair. “Her hair is so shiny.”

“Right?” Rachel popped a stick of gum into her mouth before offering me one. “So fucking hot.”

We leaned in and giggled like a couple of grade school girls with crushes, which in all reality, we kind of were.

“Ladies.” Whip’s deep velvety voice snagged my attention.

I cleared my throat and stood taller, praying he didn’t see the blush crawling across my warm cheeks.

When you’re finally ready to be kissed again, I’m going to make you beg for it.

My traitorous eyes flicked to his full lips before finding a spot in the middle of his forehead and burning a hole into it with my stare.

“Oh, hey, Whip.” Rachel smiled sweetly. “Didn’t know you would be at the car wash today.”

His wide arms spread open. “Come on, it’s for charity. I wouldn’t miss it.”

“Did you hear that, Emily?” She bumped me with her elbow. “A philanthropist.”

I pressed my lips together and made an unladylike grunt before smiling sweetly. “A real bleeding heart.”

Whip smirked. “I’ll pay extra special attention to your car, of course.”

My eyes bored into his as heat clawed up my chest. “I would literally pay for you to stop talking.”

Humor sparkled in his silvery eyes, and my dismissal only seemed to goad him on as he took a few steps backward, holding my stare. When he winked and turned away, a disgusted noise shot out of my nose. “Ugh, he is so annoying.”

Rachel smirked and stared at his ass as he walked away. “Annoyingly hot, maybe.”

My face twisted. “What the hell, Rach? I thought you were on my side.”

She only shrugged. “What? I’m bi, not blind.”

I crossed my arms and pouted. “I wish I were blind. Then I wouldn’t have to be reminded of all”—my arm gestured wildly in front of me—“that.”

As if on cue, Whip reached behind his neck, pulling his navy T-shirt off and tossing it aside, putting his muscular back on full display.

My body went rigid and my mouth went dry. I let out a slow, steady stream of breath through my lips.

“No kidding . . . ,” Rachel agreed.

“What the hell am I gonna do?” I was asking myself as much as I was asking my friend.

Rachel shrugged, popping her gum. “The way I see it, you’ve got two options. You give up on all that and move on. Or you say hell yes to more orgasms and hope dear old Dad doesn’t find out.”

My core clenched at the mere mention of the word orgasm, as if it were begging—yes please!—demanding option two.

As the cars started filing in, Rachel stood tall and smiled at me. “All right. Time for me to get in line and see if I can finally get Brooklyn’s number.”

I waved. “Good luck.”

“You coming?”

“No. I mostly came to see what it was all about. If I can’t figure out a way to raise some money for the foundation, Principal Cartwright is going to give it back to Mrs. Kuder.”

“Have you considered senior bingo?” Humor danced in Rachel’s eyes.

“Huh.” I giggled. “I hadn’t thought of that one!”

Rachel’s bubbly laugh mixed with mine. “I think you need to talk with the Bluebirds.”


“The Bluebird Book Club. They’re the women of Outtatowner who meet at the bookstore on Wednesday nights. You want anything done in this town, those ladies can make it happen.” Rachel left me with a wave over her shoulder, and I walked in the opposite direction, refusing to look back at Whip.

Fine. I totally looked. Sue me.

Tan firefighter pants molded to his trim hips. The red suspenders hung at his sides. His bare chest and arms were smattered with rich, fluffy bubbles. It reminded me of a porn video I’d watched once, and I made a mental note to see if I could find that one again. Whip’s bright smile dazzled driver after driver as they all lined up and paid for the men and women of the Outtatowner Fire Department to wash and scrub their vehicles.

It was amazing to see how many cars waited, and, if my math was even close, the fire department would make a killing for their chosen charity.

If Whip and his stupid smile and ridiculous pecs could do it, then so could I.noveldrama

I needed the full-time position at the school. There was no other option. If the foundation was the way to make that happen and some women’s book club could help me, then count me in.

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