Living With The Player

Chapter 63 Winner Takes It All




“You know what? It doesn’t matter. I shouldn’t get hauled away. When this does happen, it wouldn’t be because I need a stress reliever.”

I swallowed hard.


“Yes Camilla, when.”

He retorted, tilting my head to meet his gaze. His eyes got brighter, the smirk had reinstated thank the heavens. I did say it aloud.

*But he said when! That means…* Shit. I’m not going to think about what it means.

“At least you’re calm now.”

I swap topics easily, twitching to get off his laps and move away.

Instead, he whirls his arms around my waist, holding me in place.

I swallow harder. Slowly, I lift my head, contesting his look while stretching forward to gently caress his cheeks.

He presses his lids against each other, tugging my waist towards his body, closing the little gap between both of us.

“I’m sorry about the way I acted for most of the day. Nate. Yelling. Hitting that guy. I shouldn’t have. I’m so sorry.”

Instinctively, I wrapped my hands around his neck, resting my head over his shoulders.

“I won’t say I understand. I can’t. It’ll hurt like hell to think of this scenery.”

I admit truthfully.

“But unlike everyone else, I’m not leaving. I’m right here.”

I put in almost immediately, pecking his cheeks before expelling my grip.

“And just so you know, I’m not letting Brandon win. You’re going to play tomorrow and Kingston High will take the trophy home.”

I assure with a small smile.

“No, it’s okay Camilla. It’s over.”noveldrama

“It is not over just rest. Calm down and leave it to me. You need rest and I’m stunned these stitches haven’t gone loose.”

Gradually, I caress the top of the bandage, it wasn’t bleeding.

“I’ll go now. Promise me you’ll get some rest.”

He nods carefully.

Hoping off his laps with no hostility, I stand by the bed watching him soothe into the mattress then pull the covers over his body.

Giving him a small smile, I twirl around and make my way out of the room with my head in a sandstorm.

What the fuck did I just do?

I guaranteed him the match. I couldn’t bear the sad look in those eyes, so I told him he would play tomorrow and now I have no idea how to make it happen.

What’s worse; I only have a few hours to think. That’s all. Bloody hell.


Plopping in bed for the better part of the night, I took several positions; standing by the door, squatting, seating, all in a bid to come up with a plan.

My imaginary thinking cap was on but all the ideas were surely going to fail or extremely impossible to implement. Cancelling the game will not help. Trying to plead is a no. Saying Dylan was provoked is useless.

Nothing’s going to work.

I can’t tell him he won’t play. I won’t.

Sadly, it’s almost three am on a Friday morning, the match is today.

After days of practising, both schools are going to face off in a stadium and one of them becomes the winner.

Just then, an idea popped in.

As it did, I already thought of loopholes to that idea.

If I can persuade the coach to make the entire team wear helmet, their faces will be covered, I can even add headbands because of Dylan’s injury.

The only drawback is that everyone might get suspicious because of the change.

Or wait, I can say the headbands are in honour of his fall and the fact that he can’t play. That works.

But the helmet. Fuck.

One of the players can step out for Dylan to play.

It might work. If I can figure out a good excuse.

Yawning tiredly, I pulled the sheets over myself with the idea swimming in my mind.

Five hours till morning.


I groaned loudly at the hard-knock over my door.

Then it hit me. Friday. The match.

My lids snapped immediately, I jumped out of bed, checking the time.

Almost eight.

I was up thinking I nearly overslept.

Moving to answer the door, I tied my hair loosely before clicking the lock.

“Good morning.”

His brows were raised suspiciously, looking over my clothes.

“Uhm, I won’t take long to get ready.”

“It’s fine. My parents can wait. I just wanted to give you this.”

Stretching his hand, he handed a folded shirt to me, biting on the side of his lip.

Curiously, I let it loose, lowering my head to see what it was.

A gasp escaped my lips. It’s his jersey. It’s spelt Dylan at the back. Then his number 7.


“I might not get to play, but I still think you should have it.”

It was my turn to bite my lips, a tiny red spot evident on both cheeks.

“I-I love it.”

I grinned widely.

“Okay then…”

He turned around and left. As soon as he was out of sight, I pulled the shirt to my chest and inhaled his scent.



“Your bike?”

I asked.

“Yes. I’m feeling better. Took some painkillers. I’ll have this hideous band taken off my head tomorrow.”

I chuckled at his frowned face.

“Okay then.”

I say trying to hide my excitement. I’m back on his bike again.

“This season is confusing. Yesterday it was cold as fuck today the weather is so dusty.”

He laments, reaching for a helmet for me.


I agree with a smile.

“You’re playing today I assure you.”

He passed me a puzzled look.

“Just trust me.”

I added smiling reassuringly.


We went to school first, since there might be a bus to take the students there. I think everyone is allowed to go today.

Once he turns off the engine, I’m off the bike in search of the coach.


“Coach, can I talk to you for a second.”

I request, taking deep breaths.

He nods and we move to a corner.

“We have only thirty per cent chance of winning without Dylan. We can’t afford to lose him.”

“There’s nothing I can do.”

He says sadly.

“I’ve been thinking and I came up with an idea. If we do it properly, Dylan Emerton would be on the field.”

“What do you mean?”

“I thought that we could say we don’t want another incident, so we want to wear helmets this time around. Those kinds usually conceal your mouth and only your eyes are visible. Then our team would wear headbands in “honour of Dylan” Then maybe those buffers inside of their pants and shirts so they can all look similar, those things should be provided right?”

I quoted with a smile. I’m a genius.

“The helmets make sense and it’s only right, the headbands are a little weird but I still don’t get how this helps Dylan.”

Still smirking, I narrow my gaze at him.

“Oh I get it, a team player can switch positions and Dylan can play.”


I beam, giggling with pride.


“The other coach agreed.”


I exclaimed happily.

Barely half an hour before the game.

“I was thinking Dylan shouldn’t be seen by anyone. This is our part of the field and I want to make it seem as though he didn’t attend the match till after, so there’s no suspicion.”

“That makes sense.”

I agreed, still smiling.

Approaching Dylan, I noticed he was in the locker room with the other guys. Paula was there as well, clinging to his arm.

I scoffed in distaste.

Sighting me, he slowly detached himself then marched to where I stood.

“I did it.”

I announced, still grinning.

“You fucking did it!”

He yells a little loudly.

“We’ll celebrate later but for now, we need to act fast. You’re taking a normal car, we don’t want anyone to know that you came. When you get there, you’ll have to make sure no one sees you. There would be two locker rooms provided. Sneak into ours and we’ll take it from there.”

“Bossy are we?”

He teases, flicking his tongue over his lower lips.

“Stay focused Dylan.”

I respond trying hard not to smile.

“Get going now. The bus is about to leave.”

He shakes his head, reaches for his bag then leaves.

Crossing my arms, I pass a look at Paula who’s still glaring.



All through the drive, without Dylan sadly, Paula did everything to get on my nerves.

Mocking sounds. Snickers.

Miranda wasn’t by her side, which got me worried.

I just hope she’s alright and Paula hasn’t done something crazy.

As we neared the field, my heart raced.

The advantage of having more students attend is that slipping through will be easy for Dylan.

I followed the boys to the locker room awaiting Dylan’s arrival. He should’ve been right behind us.

“So what’s the plan.”

I jumped out of my skin, facing the other side. Dylan was filled with smiles.

“You put on a helmet. You play the game.”

I beamed then shrugged easily.

“But what about the guy that’s playing instead of me.”

“Oh come on Dylan, you know he isn’t supposed to play at all.”

I flipped my hand.

“Yeah, but who knows if this has been his prayer. It’s an honour. My slip up made it answer, I won’t feel good if I take it away from him.”

“Dylan you can’t be….”

“I’ll sit this one out.”

A familiar voice declared. I switched my gaze to the direction where it came from.


I smiled softly.

“I’ll skip this one out just bring home that trophy.”

Dylan nodded firmly.

“Good. Everything’s settled.”

I sighed in relief and got out so they could change.

“One last thing, you avoid Brandon at all costs. Don’t get any ideas.”

I warned then shut the door.


The whistle was blown and the game began. I prayed silently we wouldn’t get caught. They all had the headbands and masks on, not to mention their paddings might them all look the same size.

Fingers crossed.

“Final whistle and the trophy belongs to Kingston High who have beaten their opponent, Richmond High, leading with six points!”

The announcer cheered.

Everyone behind, beside, and in front of me stood up to cheer.

Who knew winning felt this good?

Slipping through the benches, I shoved and tackled every student in my way, until I reached where most of the players were.

Even with the helmet, I knew exactly who he was in the midst of them all.

“You did it..”

I gushed.

He took off the helmet, so his lips could be visible. Hopefully, everyone is engrossed with winning to notice both of us.

“Not really, it was all you. Everything was made possible because of you. Thank you, Camilla.”

His hands reached through the side of my waist, tugged me closer then claimed my lips.


*Author’s Note*

*Long chapter. I know!!!! Hope you enjoyed it! Drop your thoughts in the comment box! Love and kisses!*

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