Rejecting The Alpha Twins (Regan)

Chapter 5

Regan POV

I fidgeted underneath the doctor's gaze as she pushed my nose back into place with a sickening crack. Ouch. It stung, but I could breathe a lot easier, and I wiped the blood off my face with the washcloth she provided with a grateful smile. Dr Sarah was not pleased as she studied me. Her blue eyes were narrowed in displeasure as she looked me over deliberately, her gaze lingering on several bruises that were still in the process of healing.noveldrama

"This is the third time this month you've ended up at the clinic," she said, pursing her lips "With so-called injuries you've sustained Regan. Is there something you would like to tell me?" she asked, folding her arms across her chest and spearing me with a gaze as I swallowed hard, my mouth going dry.

"No, this was an accident, during training" I stammered "Nobody's fault."

I was a terrible liar. Her eyes felt as though they were piercing my very soul.

"Hmmm" she muttered "And the sprained wrist before that?" she raised a brow "Or the broken rib the month before?" her voice was rising as I flushed and looked down at the ground "It's blatantly obvious that somebody or several someone's" she amended with a growl "are intentionally hurting you. Why don't you tell the Alpha and Luna?" she demanded "this kind of behavior should not be tolerated in the Blood Moon Pack."

I knew she meant well and had the best intentions. Dr Sarah was one of the few pack members who didn't seem to regard me as monster or somebody who didn't belong in the pack. She seemed to genuinely care about me. But the Alpha and Luna were allowing this to happen. Whether it was by remaining oblivious to their pack member's behavior or openly encouraging it, I didn't know. But telling them about the abuse I suffered would only make things worse for me, especially since I knew that they wouldn't care. Considering that Luna Jennifer used to be a close friend of my mother's that particularly caused me to feel hurt. She had once been close to me when I was younger, but like everybody else, she blamed me for what happened that day and turned on me.

"Thank you, Dr. Sarah, but I don't want to make things worse than they already are," I said softly.

"How can things get worse Regan?" the doctor's voice was soft, her eyes filled with concern "It might only be one injury here or there for now, but you don't have a wolf and that means your healing ability is more slow and painful. What happens if it begins to escalate? If it becomes more than just minor injuries?" she asked, looking worried.

I gave a forced smile. "Right now, it's just stupid pranks," I told her quietly "and they'll get tired of picking on me."

She didn't look convinced by my lies. "Maybe I should have a word with your father" she began, and I hastily held up a hand, halting her in her tracks.

That was the last thing in the world that I needed. My father would be furious with me and would want to know what I was doing in the clinic in the first place.

"No, please" I pleaded "That's the last thing I need. He'll just see me as being weak and pitiful. The girl of a beta, constantly being hurt and harassed like this" I shook my head "It's better he doesn't know" I cried.

I could hardly tell her that my father and my stepsister were behind many of my injuries. I saw her bite her lip, debating inwardly with herself and I stared at her, continuing to plead and silently beg.

She sighed. "Very well, but if this continues, I'll have no choice but to inform Alpha Jackson and Luna Jennifer" she warned "As the leaders of the pack they have a right to know when one of the members is being abused like this. No matter that you think otherwise."

I nodded and quickly rushed from the room before she could say anything else. I knew I was going to have to be more careful about attending the hospital clinic in the future. I would have to limit my visits or stop going there to prevent Dr Sarah from carrying out her threats. I walked out of the main doors and headed outside, keeping my head bowed low. I managed to make it home without incident, only to find Heather inside, waiting for me, a panicked look on her face.

"Where on earth have you been" she began, before she noticed the blood on my clothes from my broken nose, as well as the bruising on my face.

"Oh gods, get cleaned up before you touch anything" she interjected, motioning at me wildly and wrinkling her nose "I don't want you to get anything dirty" she added hastily.

There was no concern when it came to me being hurt in her voice, unlike the concern she had for her house. I sighed and went to walk around her, but she stopped me, grabbing at my arm again.

"What?" I asked, trying not to snarl at her.

"Don't use that tone with me" she snapped, glaring at me "Get dressed into something appropriate, as we must meet with the Alpha and Luna shortly. They want to see you" she added, breathing heavily and looking even more frazzled. "Me?" I asked, staring at her wide-eyed "Why the hell would they want to meet with me?" I demanded.

What was going on? The Alpha and Luna barely knew I existed. Why would they want to request a meeting now of all times? Had I done something that warranted a punishment? Had Isabelle done something to get me into further trouble? I bit the inside of my lip, feeling afraid.

Heather looked frustrated. "I don't know what they want with you," she said icily "What I do know is you need to get cleaned up and that you need to be on your best behavior" She shot me a condemning look "And I'm warning you now, that you are to keep silent about what happens around here if you know what's good for you" she threatened.

I almost laughed. As if they would care enough to stop it. But Heather's face was almost purple with rage now and I decided it was best not to provoke her or further antagonize her.

"Fine" I answered with a shrug "Can I go now? Or should we just be late?" I asked a little snappily.

My nose was still throbbing painfully, making me feel mulish. My stepmother tightened her lips, fighting to maintain her composure. "Go," she said shortly, looking exasperated "Be quick" she added loudly, "I don't want to keep them waiting."

I rolled my eyes. If I had known the Alpha and Luna wanted to meet with me, I would have rushed home sooner. As it was, I headed quickly up the stairs and into the bathroom, starting the shower. I didn't dare go before the Alpha and Luna without cleaning myself up. By the time I made it back downstairs, Heather was pacing back and forth, looking frantic and biting her lip.

"Finally," she said, grabbing me by the arm and dragging me out of the house, heading directly for the pack house "They're expecting us."

"For what?" I asked, yanking my arm free and walking next to her in defiance.

"God knows. All these years and not a damn peep in relation to you and all of a sudden, they want to see you and talk" Heather muttered "I hope they haven't suddenly developed a conscience when it comes to you" she added frowning.

I said nothing. Even if they had suddenly developed a conscience or were feeling regrets when it came to me, I wasn't about to forgive them for abandoning me when I needed them the most. My mother had considered them her best friends and when she died, they left me to the mercy of the pack and my so-called family. I walked the rest of the way in stoic silence.

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