Rejecting The Alpha Twins (Regan)

My Twins Baby 129

Fiona POV

It hurts. The pain inside can't possibly compare to what they've done to me. My whole life has been beitag, so to take moment. As I train, I throw all my strength, all my rage, into my punches and kicks, taking ever park members Buck Sh anger is all that I have left now. I put everything I have into my training, surprised when my father, Imber comes to the ring, holding his hands up and addressing the pack members.

"Everybody, I ask that you leave the training grounds and grant me some privacy with my daughter he says grandy

I want to scoff. Daughter. Since when does he acknowledge me as his daughter? I watch as pack members begin to dále mé walk away without a word. By now it's all over the pack that I've fought with my parents and had a falling one with them. 1 grit my teeth and turn to face my father, feeling enraged,

He looks as if he's aged since we last spoke. There are silver strands in his hair, deep dark circles under his eyes, and more wrinkles across his forehead. He's still a handsome man but there's a look of deep regret on his face. I feel myself titefag, even though I'm determined to hold onto my anger. My father sighs.

"Fiona, I know that you're feeling betrayed right now" he speaks gravely, "but you can't simply stop speaking to us and decide you're going to leave the pack as though that means nothing"

"Why not?" I counter smoothly, watching as he frowns at me "you didn't mind lying to me my whole life. I intend to transfer, whether you like it or not. If you try to stop me, then I'll bring the elders into it" I warned. "We don't plan to stop you. All we ask" he paused as I stiffened, surprised.

They weren't going to stop me? Why did that hurt rather than leave me feeling triumphant? Were they not even going to fight for me? Was I that worthless in their eyes? I fought back tears. I knew they wanted me gone. Why continue to feel so brokenhearted over something that was beyond my control?

"Ask what?" I said watching him closely.

"That you wait until after your birthday. It's a few weeks before Celeste's" he admitted lowly "and while we aren't happy that you're requesting a transfer to another pack, we can't exactly deny it either. But it would be preferable" he glanced at me apologetically "if you would come to some sort of compromise with what pack it is so that we know you have gone to one where you will be safe. Do you think you can agree to that?" he asked heavily.

I considered it. To be honest, I couldn't see the harm in agreeing to it. Waiting until my birthday also made sense because it meant I would be able to shift and defend myself. I found myself nodding at my father, leaving him to exhale heavily, a look of relief on his face.

"Fine," I told him, "but I won't wait much longer until after my birthday. I want to be gone as soon as possible from this pack.

His shoulders drooped. "Has your time with us, all of us" he amended, his voice shaking "truly been that awful that nothing we say or do will ever make up for it?"

I thought about it. All the times I had been pushed aside, for Celeste's sake, always reminded that she was number one, the priority. At first, I had excused the behavior, perhaps even thought I deserved it. Now I knew better. Celeste would always be the apple of their eyes, the full-blood daughter of the Dominions. I would never be seen as anything more than a half-blood daughter. I wanted more than that. I wanted to be able to succeed without being compared to my sister. I wanted to find my own path in life and I couldn't do that, not here. My family would only continue to hinder me. I would never make any progress if I remained here. I doubted they would even remember me when I was gone.

"I want my own life and my own path," I told him, my voice breaking slightly. "I will never compare to Celeste and I have no desire to. I don't want to continue being treated differently and expected to accept it. I want to go to a pack where nobody knows who I am and where I can forge a new life, without the Dominion name and my mother's past influencing those around me."

"I'm sorry" My father's voice is cracking as be addresses me. "I never intended to treat you very diterussly through the was treating you equally to Celeste but maybe, I let my prejudices against your mother tumme opp

you dught

"You did," I told him without sympathy "and that's your mistake. You're the one who has to live with it of yolo I was stay here and be a burden or a punching bag for you people. I'm happy for Celeste and I hope the docs well as the leder this pack, but as far as siblings go, I want nothing to do with family or that part of it a **

"We want to hold a birthday party for you, my father said, glancing away, his jaw clenched right

"What would be the use? I would be leaving afterward anyway. You should save your money 1 protested ber be book is head adamantly.

"No Fiona. This is non-negotiable. Let the pack celebrate your birthday with you one last time, your real birthed be re me softly "and afterward you can go."noveldrama

"If it means that much to you then by all means" I exhaled, rolling my eyes,

"What do you want for your birthday?" he asked.

I almost laughed. I had never been asked before what I wanted. I had always been given gits that were inferior to Celeste's so that she didn't feel bad about her own. To be asked was a novel concept in itself. He looked surprised by my reaction

"Don't you need to discuss that with Celeste first?" I said archly "so that she doesn't get upset with whatever you the me? 1 added with a heavy dose of sarcasm.

He flinched. "No, this time I want to hear what you want. It's going to be your eighteenth after all, so it should be something special or important."

Special or important? I was thinking more along the lines of practicality. If I was going to travel to another pack then I was going to need transportation. Screw it, the man had said anything I wanted. I decided to test him. I looked at him defiantly

"I want a car."

I didn't even care if it was secondhand. As long as it got me from A to B, that's all that mattered. It would make the traveling less intense and far easier if I had a car and somewhere to store my stuff.

My father doesn't even bat an eye. "Fine," he says agreeably "it's only your right. It would be safer for you to have a car" he adds as I look at him in shock.

I figure that I'll end up with a rustbucket, or a throwaway car but decide that I appreciate it nonetheless. "Thank you," I tell him, deciding to be gracious.

It's the first time he's ever truly offered to buy me anything I've actually wanted. He nods, looking uncomfortable.

"Is there anything else you need? I could give you a card with some money on it?" he offered 'to tide you over."

It's tempting. But if I cut ties, I shouldn't be relying on their money either. I shake my head. "I still have some saved over and when I reach the other pack, I'll get a job," I told him firmly "you don't need to pay my way anymore."

"Clothes? Makeup?" he sounds almost desperate.

"I have more clothes than I possibly need and I don't wear a lot of makeup."

Unlike Celeste who was always caked in the stuff. He looks torn. I sigh and begin to turn away. "The Blue Moon or Black Lightning Pack" I called over my shoulder as he looked back at me confused. "Those are the packs I want to go to. Pick one of them. The /Black Lightning pack is my preference" I clarified and then continued to walk away, unable to bear seeing the look of grief in his eyes anymore. 07:19 Fri, 21 Feb 0



It wasn't the first time I had been sought out in the last few days, but it was the only time I had stopped

and spoken to one of them. I could feel tears threatening to fall as I forced myself to walk away. With luck,

I would be transferring to the Black Lightning pack and I would be leaving after my birthday. Until then, it was simply a matter of time.

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