The Accidental Wife (Emily and Julian)

Chapter 175

I put the key in the lock, ready to open the front door of my home. I'm full of reluctance. I know that Knox and Silas are already inside, but I'm not sure to what extent my husband is intoxicated. Sabrina is right behind me and I'm praying with everything in me that Silas isn't that drunk because I don't want to explain to her all that has been going on lately.

The moment I open the front door, I'm met with Silas's loud voice. Why is he shouting like that? Quickly, I rush inside, not knowing why he's acting like that.

"What's going on?" I ask, looking between him and Knox. The two of them are standing in front of each other and anger is obvious on their faces. There are two bulky football players in my living room who are one step away from throwing punches. This is truly unprecedented. I have never seen Silas and Knox fight before.

"He thinks he can prevent me from drinking!" Silas shouts. His voice indicates how drunk he is. The more I stare at my husband, the more I realize that if Knox gives him the slightest push, he will fall. It's not because of his injury, but Silas is swaying due to the amount of alcohol in his body.-

"Maybe it's because you need to stop drinking," I tell him, but he scoffs, rolling his eyes.

"You can't tell me what to do and what not to do, Rosie." He limps over to me. He is starting to ditch the cane nowadays, which is a good step.

"I can when I see that all you're doing is destroy yourself," I challenge him, feeling sick and tired

vicious circle.

"I'm Silas Cromwell. I have made a big name for myself that I no longer need others' guidance," he proudly slurs. He isn't even making any sense. How is that logical?

"Apparently you need someone to knock some sense into you if this is how you talk to your wife," Knox jumps to my defense. I wish it didn't reach that state with Silas, but the situation keeps getting worse.

"And you think you're fit enough to teach me how to talk to my wife?" Silas turns to Knox. He looks like he's fishing for a fight and I don't want him to fight with his best friend. He's already losing too much, and I don't want to lose more because of his own stupidity. "I think you need to go upstairs," I say, trying to pull Silas away from Knox.

"Stop!" He yanks his arm hard away from me that I end up stumbling. "I want to know what he has to say!" Silas shouts at

1. me.

"I don't know what's going on with you, but you need to get your shit together! I can't even recognize you anymore!" Knox snaps at Silas, maybe expecting that he may be able to get him to think clearly.

"And I can't recognize myself anymore either!" Silas yells, looking at all of us for a moment before his shoulders slump and he makes his way to the stairs.

I watch as he gradually disappears and once I can no longer see him, I break down in tears, not caring if Knox and Sabrina are here. They don't need me to explain anything, because everything is crystal clear.

"How long has he been like this?" Sabrina quietly asks as I feel the couch dip when she sits next to me.

"He hasn't been the same ever since he got injured and I really don't know what to do. I'm so tired," I break down and she pulls me in her embrace. I allow myself to finally break down as she holds me. I have been trying to push myself for the past months and I think I have reached my breaking point.

"Why didn't you tell me anything? I would have listened to you, she tells me, and I take a shaky breath.

"I have been trying to fix things between us. I keep telling myself that marriage has its ups and downs and this is normal, but

I think... this isn't normal, right? This doesn't feel normal at all." look at my best friend with tears in my eyes.

"No, Rosie," Sabrina rubs my arm, "this isn't normal at all and this doesn't seem like the Silas we know."

"You shouldn't bother yourself with any of this. Your wedding is coming up," I say, wiping my tears with the heels of my hands. I can't add more to her plate. Her wedding should be her priority, not me.



"Rosie, you shouldn't deal with all of this on your own," Knox finally speaks to me. "This isn't something you should handle alone. You need to seek help."


"What am I supposed to do? Tell his parents? Tell my parents? Shouldn't these issues stay between us?" I ask, feeling incredibly lost.

"Not when it's more than what you can handle," Sabrina chimes in. "This isn't something you can deal with alone."

"Rosie, I hate to ask you this, but I need to. I just want to make sure that you're safe," Knox starts talking and I look at him. "Has Silas physically hurt you?"

"No, he hasn't," I reply. I want to tell him that Silas would never do something like that, but I don't know Silas any more. I don't know what to expect from him. I'm afraid that I may wake up one day and realize that Silas has turned into the total opposite of the man I have fallen in love with.

"But you'll tell us if he ever tried to do anything, right?" Sabrina stares right into my eyes. It takes me a moment to give her a small nod, trying to prevent myself from thinking about the possibility of Silas hurting me

"Are you going to be okay on your own?" Sabrina asks. Something inside of me sinks when ys that. The four of us planned on spending the day together, but of course, they wouldn't want to spend the day here after what had just happened. Why did I expect them to stay?

I think I don't know what okay means, and honestly, I don't know what she means either.

"I'll be fine. I have been dealing with this for a while, so I'm used to it." I give her a small smile.

My best friend and her fiancé leave after spending ten more minutes with me, making sure that I'm all right and there's nothing I need.

When they leave, I find myself staring at the stairs, willing myself to go upstairs, but I don't want to. I don't want to be in the same place as him. I don't want to see him drunk or hear his meaningless apologies. I'm sick and tired of all of this. I'm so close to giving up on our marriage even though I cannot imagine myself leaving Silas. My love for him is so strong, but maybe love alone isn't enough.



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