The Beast's Possession

55: It’s her.



He made his point perfectly clear. So much so that he left the men behind only after all of them bared their necks to him in submission. He had gotten what he wanted, not nearly enough fight and bloodshed, but nevertheless still enough for


I felt like I was about to lose my mind when he started moving again, the same concentration and purpose forced into each step as earlier. It terrified me to no end, just knowing that he was planning something was enough for me to lose my mind.

But to my surprise, instead of seeking more trouble, he returned to the bedroom I once called mine. It was for the better if I thought of my pack members, at least he wasn't there to terrorize them. For me? Well, I had grown used to his taunts and torment, used to every fucking word and threat that came from that mouth.

Deep down, both of us knew that there was no way he'd ever get everything he wanted if it couldn't break me completely. He needed absolute control of my body and mind to fulfill his plans and wait until the next lifetime for him came. Even now, I could feel the excitement that ran through the body as he thought of the same idea that just crossed his mind. He needed to find a woman, any woman would do, but he needed one strong enough to carry a son. That was his only purpose - he needed to pass down the curse and start his fucking game all over again.

When he stepped in front of the mirror, I groaned. I had grown to hate mirrors. Every single one of them in the pack house that I faced was a traitor.

They reflected a face I barely recognized anymore. Kind of mine, but twisted and more cruel with those black veins crawling across my skin like a painting of a deadly disease. Which, for the record, was just that - a disease that would eventually drag me to an early grave.

The monster grinned as he leaned closer to the glass, a glint in the eyes that couldn't be mistaken by anything but pure, raw evil. One of a kind, a true curse that couldn't be cured and stopped.

I had no words to describe just how much I hated that face, hated that grin and even more, hated the power this look in his eyes held over me.

"Oh, Bane," he muttered as a sly smile spread across my lips in the reflection. I couldn't take this anymore, couldn't tell if it was still my body and face I was watching or if it was his for good. "You feel so angry, so helpless," he added, pointing a finger at the temples.

I didn't respond, didn't acknowledge I ever heard his words. I just couldn't. But I was watching, always, and he knew that - that was enough to use against me.

"Do you want to know what comes next, hmm?" He asked, running a hand down its cheek, almost like he was admiring the marks across my face, the damn lines that showed everyone who was in control. "Should I tell you? Or do you prefer surprises? Tell me."

Without waiting for the answer he was demanding, he grinned. "It's her," the words left him in a whisper, a soft voice that didn't fit the underlying threat hidden in those two words. "Your precious little princess is next. Aife, that was her name, right? She will come here for you, you know that, right? They will talk - the whispers will first spread in the pack and then travel over the borders of the pack. Sooner or later, she will learn how far you have fallen and how much you need her here. And when that day comes, she will come running back to you. We both know how naive she is, that stupid little girl will come back thinking she can save you from yourself."


"Oh, yes," he purred, very delighted with the one word answer that was supposed to stay locked in my mind, definitely not heard by him. "She will walk right into my trap just like that, and I don't have to do anything for her to do that. Just sit back and wait. And when she does, hell, that's when the fun will finally begin. Can't wait."

As cold shivers froze my entire being, it only leaned closer to the mirror, a cruel glint danced in its eyes as the grin on my lips grew forcefully wider. "I will catch her, Bane. Trap her in my little web of lies. And then, ever so slowly, I will break her, piece by piece. I will make her scream for mercy, beg and plead for you to save her. But you," it stopped talking to laugh at my face and shook his head in amusement. "You will watch me do it all. Every. Single. Moment. And you won't do a thing about it."

I thrashed against the walls of the mental prison he had created for me, desperate to stop him before he got to leave the room and watch his plan start working. But he was too strong, it kept feeding off the energy I basically handed over to him on a silver platter, all because he found a way to anger and scare me so much. He knew my weakness and now, he was using it against me.

"But wait, there's more," he started again. "When I'm done with her, I will finally kill her. I think I'll go slowly and painfully. Yes, sounds about right. But you, my boy, you will thank me when it's done. Because when the time comes, you will realize that I've done you a favor. With her death, you too, will be freed of your suffering. First, you watch her die, and then, I get rid of you once and for all."

He stepped back from the mirror and took a moment to admire himself in a body that didn't belong to him. "So, what do you think about my little plan, Bane? Is it good or should I think about some details first? After all, I have plenty of time to sit back and wait until she comes back running, so maybe, I should think about more fun things we could do together."

I tried my best not to react, not to add more fuel to his fire and more importantly, I was refusing to feed him more of my life force. I would rather starve him and kill myself in process than ever allow this bastard to hurt my Aife.

He chucked at my indifference, finding my silence amusing. "Oh, no need to get all salty and silent with me, my boy. You shouldn't worry about the quality of the show, after all, you'll have a front row seat for it all."

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