The Raven and The Snake

Book 6: Part 22

Unsurprisingly, Snape's mood did not improve throughout the evening, nor was he much better the next day. He didn't say anything at all when Ariadne left for Malfoy Manor ahead of him. Draco was looking pallid. He had dark rings around his eyes like Sanguini and was in a foul mood. He didn't look at her when she sat next to him, his mouth pressed into a thin line.

Parents were apparating from the station, all wanting to get their children home as quickly as possible though the Ministry had stationed guards everywhere. Christmas wasn't improving the atmosphere much. Malfoy Manor was even more crowded than it had been the previous year. The army that Voldemort was amassing were moving in a constant flow of going in and out. Ariadne ignored them in favor of her grandfather, kneeling before him. She could feel Bellatrix's scowl. Bellatrix had taken a close seat to her master. She was looking healthier these days, her face was filling out finally after her stint at Azkaban. "My Lord," Ariadne bowed.

"Child," Voldemort stroked her face with his long-fingered hands.

As his army grew, Voldemort looked more and more powerful. He held himself higher, his lipless mouth curved into a sinister smile. He looked like a king.

"You will tell me, is young Draco doing what was asked?" Voldemort whispered to her in the snake language.noveldrama

Clearly, he wanted to hear from an outside source what progress was being made. Draco was kneeling just a few steps behind her. Somehow, since the train, he managed to look even sicker. "His progress is slow..." She hedged softly. "But I'm not calling him a failure yet."

Voldemort's fingers traced her lips in a way that made Bellatrix's face redden in fury. "We shall see."

Ariadne was not made to feel any more comfortable. Narcissa had nothing but cold indifference to offer her and it seemed that Bellatrix was hovering much more than usual. Her attitude toward Ariadne was somewhat prevocational.

Snape was able to make an appearance for Christmas Eve, only to cold shoulder Ariadne as well. He had a private word with Voldemort that left him looking almost as sickly as Draco. When he sat down for dinner, he was stiff as a board and ate little. His mind completely locked to her.

Many of the men that were going through the manor made indiscreet advances to Ariadne, this included her uncle who leered at her over the dinner table. The atmosphere was suffocating and she found herself reaching for more and more wine as the meal progressed.

She was becoming a little tipsy as the desserts were being served and Voldemort made a sudden announcement. Bellatrix was pregnant with his child.

Beside Voldemort, on his right, Bellatrix swelled importantly. She sneered in Ariadne's direction as though she ought to be jealous.

"Aria," Bellatrix spoke with mock affection. "You will be godmother to your little aunt, won't you?"

The idea of it was almost enough to make Ariadne laugh. Her the godmother of her mother's half-sister? She, godmother to a baby whose parents she was secretly working against?

By Bellatrix's expression, she must have actually laughed. All color had drained from her face and she looked furious. "Are you not honored?"

Ariadne took a quick sip of wine. "Of course, I am honored, Aunt. I was merely surprised. My Lord is the first immortal man, the closest to being a god. The idea of him needing a godmother for his child is... laughable." Voldemort, rather than looking offended by her cheek, looked indulgent. He reached to stroke her cheek affectionately while Bellatrix bared her teeth like an animal.

"You simply can't keep your mouth shut, can you?" Snape scolded back in their shared room for the evening.

Ariadne stared at him disbelieving. "What is that supposed to mean?"

"You sit there drinking and you don't think!" He snapped.

She waited for him to elaborate, but he did not. She had no idea what was making him so angry and if she tried to push, he glared her murderously.

Christmas day, Snape didn't remain long, not that his presence had made things easier for her. She received murmured thanks for her gifts, though no one looked particularly happy except for Voldemort.

He seemed to enjoy the tense atmosphere. It seemed to amuse him the way Ariadne was being ostracized. He stroked her like a cat, making Bellatrix grind her teeth.

Draco's nose wrinkled when he opened his present. It looked like a dark shiny mineral, but it was soft. If he were to drop it, it would surely shatter instantly. "What is this?"

Ariadne smiled a little. "Peruvian Instant Darkness Powder. Throw it on the ground and the area is enveloped in an impenetrable darkness for several minutes. Wand light won't work. I thought you might find a use for it." Something in Draco's eyes flashed. He looked a little happier. He certainly did have a use for it. Then he looked suspicious.

Before they could return to the castle, she pulled him aside. "Draco..."

"I won't tell you my plans," he snapped defensively.

She raised her hands to calm him. "I wasn't going to ask. I have no intention of sticking my nose in your business, Draco. I just want you to know you have an ally. If you need me, I will help." "It's my mission." He growled at her.

"Yes, it is. I have full confidence in you, Draco, honest."

His expression softened slightly. "It will work."

She hugged him then, feeling a sort of warmth for her cousin. He was looking so haggard lately. "It will. I believe in you."

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