The Raven and The Snake

Book 6: Part 25

The Weasley parents came sometime after noon. For a split second, Ariadne thought that Molly might be angry with her. Then the woman threw her arms around Ariadne in a tight hug.

Ariadne hadn't left Ron's side in hours. She'd continued wiping the sweat off his face after two more bouts of sick and one false alarm. She checked his pulse and temperature regularly, helped administer medicine, and even changed him into pajamas with discretion.

Madam Pomfrey didn't put bedside matter as a first priority so it wasn't something Ariadne was entirely comfortable with either. It was easier since Ron was mainly remaining unconscious, but his extended rest also meant they needed to be careful with him. He was very weak.

"Thank you for looking after my boy." Molly Weasley whispered tearfully in her ear, then to Madam Pomfrey, "He'll recover, won't he?" "Yes, yes. He should be fine. Now we must just wait for him to wake up. He'll be exhausted." Madam Pomfrey confirmed.

Molly touched Ariadne's cheek, noting the darkness under her eyes. "You should go and eat something. You're so thin and you look tired."

Molly and her husband went to see Dumbledore to discuss what had happened and Ariadne did slip past Harry, Ginny, and Hermione to go get herself some dinner. She rested a little and was returning to the hospital wing when she bummed into a somewhat lost looking Lavendar Brown who was speaking in hysterical tones to her friends in the corridor just outside the dining hall.

No one had bothered to tell Lavendar that Ron was in the hospital wing. She was terribly confused and distraught. Apparently, the only thing that Ron had said to her that day was that he was going to meet a girl named Romilda before completely disappearing.

"He's in the hospital wing," Ariadne said wearily. "He was poisoned early this morning."

Lavendar let out an ear-piercing wail and streaked off toward the hospital wing. Ariadne followed at a much slower pace, ignoring the nasty looks of Lavendar's friends. By the time Ariadne had managed to get through the door, Lavendar was kicking up quite a fuss to the amusement of the twins.

Fred and George had evidently been in Hogsmeade when they'd received the news that Ron was sick. They stood back, wearing sneers, while Lavendar threw herself at Ron, yelling in his ears.

"Young Lady!" Madam Pomfrey scolded harshly.

"Won-Won!" Lavendar continued to bellow at Ron.

Ron barely responded. His eyes fluttered momentarily and his lips moved. Everyone leaned forward slightly to listen, Ginny pressing her hand to Lavendar's lips. "Hermione..." Ron whispered vaguely.

Lavendar promptly burst into tears and left the room, followed out by the sounds of the twins laughing. They turned and spotted Ariadne by the door. "Aria!" George grinned, moving to hug her.

When she held out her arms to hug him back, however, there was a slight gleam. Fred snagged her arm before her chest could be concealed by George's hug. "What the bloody hell is that?" He asked, pointing at the badge on her chest.

Ariadne flushed. "It's nothing. Come here."

She attempted to pull them both into a hug, but they continued to hold her back to look at her. "Doesn't look like nothing."

"Yeah, if my eyes aren't playing tricks, I'd say it looks mighty like a Head Girl badge."

"Are you Head Girl, Ariadne?"

Ariadne scowled. "So what if I am?"

They stared at her for a long time. Their expressions were a little hurt, but Ariadne was well used to their moves and could hear their thoughts. She pulled them in for a forceful hug.

The little group all discussing what had happened to Ron. Who could have possibly wanted to poison him? Ariadne busied herself with preparing beds in case the Weasley parents should want to stay the night. She smiled brightly whenever the twins happened to glance her way, but something about their presence had sparked something in her.

She felt the urge to break down and sob. She'd been working so hard to stuff down her emotions as she needed to be strong at the school. With the Malfoys she needed to be indifferent. With them, it felt different.

Hagrid came a little while later, horrified by what had happened while he was out in the forest. He wondered if someone might have been trying to hurt the Gryffindor Quidditch team. There was no precedent for it, so that idea was quickly dropped.

When the Weasley parents came, the maximum occupancy had been reached. As it was also getting late, Harry, Hermione, and Hagrid left. Ariadne dawdled a bit longer, rechecking her bag unnecessarily.

Molly thanked her once more for tending to Ron and making sure they were comfortable staying with him. Ariadne assured her that it really was no trouble. She was, after all, going to be a Healer.

Ariadne felt another wave of wanting to cry as she looked into Molly's warm eyes. How long had it been since she'd felt the warmth of a parent? On a particularly good day, Narcissa might have treated her as a sort of younger sister. Perhaps a niece she wasn't entirely thrilled about looking after.noveldrama

Ariadne's own mother had died before she'd even come to the school. Before Ariadne had ever remembered the books or had fallen in love. Now she was an orphan, looking in on the scene of a happy family that cared for each other dearly. "Are you alright, dear?" Molly asked quietly, seeing something in Ariadne's expression that should have been a perfect mask.

"Yeah, just tired." Ariadne forced a smile.

"The Headmaster said he would like to see you," Madam Pomfrey said unexpectedly, indicating a little slip of paper that had just come via owl to the window.

Ariadne gave Molly's hand a little squeeze. "I'd better go then. Have a good night."

She waved to the twins and headed out toward Dumbledore's office.

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