Vengeful Lies

: Chapter 8

I considered poisoning them or, at the very least putting laxatives in the cake, but I must confess out of the group of them, I probably despise the twins the least. Mostly because they have a sense of fucking humor.

All four of them command the energy in the room. Other people stare, and the elderly couple beside them all but ran with their food but left a great tip on top of the one already billed, so I don’t give a fuck. The other waitresses, however, have been watching them ever since the hot assholes walked in.

If only they knew all of them were killers.

But then again, who am I to judge?

A bad boy reputation isn’t so sexy when they’ll actually kill you to get off.

“That one with the dark hair asked about you and tipped really well to know,” Sage, who is probably one of the only servers who talks to me, says. I’ve been here for almost a year, but I don’t do friends. She’s the only one I somewhat tolerate. So yeah, she’s kind of the closest thing I have to a friend.

“What did you say?” I ask.

“That your service sucks,” she says with a laugh.noveldrama

“At least you didn’t lie,” I admit, grabbing Hawke’s burger and fries from the pick-up window. I grab a steak knife with pleasure as I look over my shoulder to their booth. I don’t need this job; I got it as a cover. But I had a feeling if Will Walker lived up to his reputation, and with the way Rory idolizes him like some kind of God, I knew it’d only be a matter of time until they found out my identity, which is why I did diligent research myself because I am not leaving until Eli has a bullet in his head and I receive the rest of my money.

The others are talking amongst themselves, mostly Hawke, who booms into laughter over something Ford says. Eli is still watching me, and it’s fucking unnerving. He makes me want to squirm, and that’s an unusual talent because I don’t get uncomfortable easily. This guy must really fucking hate my guts because even as I’ve watched him fuck other women, he looks through them, not at them. Then again, I probably look at him the same way. But right now, I have his full attention. After all, we’re preparing to kill each other. Literally.

“Wish me luck,” I say to Sage before I turn and saunter back toward the table, refusing to let them intimidate me. If they’re going to kill me, I’ll go out swinging. I’m just upset I don’t have my favorite guns to play with right now. And I’m down one of my favorite knives.

I push the plate of food toward Hawke and then stab the steak knife into the center of the burger, making a loud thudding sound. “Here’s your burger, extra bloody.”

Hawke’s smirking as he looks up at me through thick eyelashes. He points at me and looks at Eli. “I can’t help it, boss. I think I like her.”

I smirk because I know for a fact, Hawke shouldn’t be saying that out loud, and it gives me great satisfaction.

“Interesting that you took a liking to Eli,” Dutton says to me, most likely trying to save Hawke’s ass because Eli looks like he’s about to kill him. “After our last encounter, any smart woman would’ve run for the hills.” You can absolutely tell they’re related. They’re very similar in many ways. I guess that’s what happens when you grow up close and are around the same age. I’ve seen photos of Honey and Dawson, who are a stunning couple. It makes sense they had two stunning children. But Dutton’s personality has room for improvement.

“A liking, is that what you call it?” I ask him as Hawke reaches for his burger, and wastes no time biting into it. Ford has finished his cake and is watching me as well. “Or do you mean to say you don’t think a woman would have big enough balls to stay for the challenge? I don’t know how to break this to you, pretty boy,” I say as I lean across the table, purposefully giving him a cleavage shot because he is, after all, only a man, but his gaze never drops from mine, “but I’m not like the women you men are clearly used to.”

Hawke chokes on a piece of his burger. I don’t give a fuck if they’re involved with the mafia, underworld auctions, sex industry, or whatever, I won’t be looked down upon.

“Oh no, don’t be mistaken. We deal with a lot of dead women walking.” Dutton beams at me with a challenge in his eyes.

I can’t help but smirk back as we size one another up. It makes me uncomfortable how quiet Eli is, and yet his presence still demands my attention. So, I switch tactics. They want a damsel in distress; I’ll give them that.

I suddenly turn to Eli. “You must forgive me, Eli.” I rest my hand over my heart. “You are truly a man I have desired for so long I just couldn’t keep my love for you a secret anymore, so I had to start leaving you gifts. I hope you don’t think of me as some crazy stalker. I was just trying to speak your love language.” I flutter my lashes at him, and his lip twitches.

“You’re in love with me, are you?” Eli says dryly.

“Crazy, stupidly in love. Won’t you forgive me?” I coo.

I’m caught off guard when he grabs my hand, which is still at my chest. I fight all instinct to fling him off because I now realize we have an audience as he looms over me when he stands. Fuck.

“I’m in love with you too. I want you to know that,” he says sincerely, and it surprises me. I realize he’s fucking with me, but a man with a face like that shouldn’t be able to lie through his teeth so easily. And I never thought he’d actually join me in the game. I was hoping to make him uncomfortable and just label me as crazy.

“But we mustn’t. It’s a forbidden love, really,” I reply, trying to yank my hand out of his. I feel Dutton’s gaze on us the whole time, and out of the corner of my eye I see Hawke’s and Ford’s jaws drop. I’m wondering if they’ve never seen their boss act this way. I sure as fuck didn’t think he would.

Eli grabs the back of my head, and his fingers thread through my hair. He forces me to look up at him. “Ahh, but nothing can keep us apart. You know I’ll find you through heaven and hell.” He leans in, and goose bumps erupt all over my skin as his hot breath wafts against my ear. “But we all know a path to heaven is no place for us, right, Kitten?”

I flash a smile and try to pull myself away from him, but his hold cages me.

My heart is pounding, and I glance back toward the steak knife until he suddenly speaks so loudly that I know it’s for our audience.

“I love you, Jewel Diamond!”


My entire body locks up with repulsion as the onlookers cheer. He leans in again, and I’m unable to budge from his hold. To some, it might look possessively sweet. “Understand that any game you try to play, I will always best you. And if you ever break into my apartment again, I’ll find where you live and slit your throat,” he whispers, then pulls back, that smile etched on his face as everyone’s cheers die down.

The other men at the table seem confused with what just transpired, but Eli only has eyes for me.

“And they say chivalry is dead,” I remark snidely. “Now, let go of me, asshole.”

“Not until you agree to meet me tomorrow night at Lucy’s.” His grip tightens, an unmovable force trying to dominate me. I wonder if he’d be so handsy if I still had that steak knife or one of my guns handy. As if following my line of thought, his lips curve a wicked grin. “That wasn’t a request, by the way.”

“Why?” I ask him. I know what Lucy’s is; it’s one of his family’s clubs. One that he established the moment he turned twenty-one.

“Because I said so.”

This time, I smile. “You really expect the whole world to stop and grovel at your feet, don’t you?”

“I do quite like a woman on her knees, crawling to me, yes.”

A flush runs over my body, noting our close proximity for an entirely different reason.

I’ve seen how he fucks. No remorse and no care.

I’ve photographed it.

Dreamed of it.

And that kind of hard fuck might knock some screws into the right place in my head because I seriously have to stop getting my nose out of joint around this guy.

“Are you two going to fuck or fight?” Hawke’s voice breaks the tension.

“Both,” Eli answers.

At the same time, I say, “Neither.”

“Jewel, I need you in the back,” Sage calls out. I stare at Eli with a raised brow, and surprisingly, he lets me go. I don’t give him so much as another glance as I flip my hair over my shoulder and walk away.

This is fucking ridiculous.

I want to kill the man.

Not fuck him.


“I’ll see you tomorrow night. Dress appropriately,” he calls to me. I flip him off. Fucking asshole.

No man has ever told me I don’t look good; I know I do. I spend a lot of money on my looks. I invest in myself—maybe not so much the clothes, but beauty treatments, hair treatments, I get massages, you name it. I love to do it, so I take that personally.

I wonder if I dropped another rat in his shoe if he might treat a girl differently.

“Thanks for the save,” I say to Sage, who follows me into the kitchen.

“That guy’s intense,” she says, then adds, “I thought you said you weren’t dating anyone.”

“You’re a fool if you’re dating Eli Monti,” my boss, Kelly, cuts in as she wipes down one of the counters.

I whip my head in her direction, surprised she knows who he is.

“Yes, we all know who he is. You would either have to be new in town or a fool not to know who he is. Never thought I’d see his type pass through here, but let me give you a word of warning, kid.” My eye twitches at her calling me kid. “You’ve just had one of the most powerful men in this city declare his love for you. Don’t be surprised if you have a target on your back.”

I pick up the next plate of food, ignoring her and the concerned expression Sage regards me with. If only they fucking knew I was the reaper everyone should be scared of. And I’m the one used to putting the targets on someone else’s back.

My phone buzzes in my apron pocket, and I pull it out to check the text message from my untraceable client.

Anonymous Number: I want you to get close to the target. Before the final blow, tell me about his and his family’s weakness.

This isn’t what I signed up for. I signed up for a hit and a little bit of toying with Eli beforehand. But I’m already in too deep, and I’m certain whoever the fucker is who hired me and is paying me such a generous amount could just as easily put a target on me if I were to go back on our agreement.

“Don’t worry,” I say to the girls. “I can look after myself.”

I always have.

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