With the Colonel’s Help: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Under an Endless Moon: EPILOGUES

I rearranged the flowers in the bouquet that I’d placed in the middle of the small table under the wall of windows in the great room at Otto’s house.

Correction: Our house.

It turned out I hadn’t been looking for my own place. I’d been looking for where I belonged. Where my heart and my feet and my body would be set free.

Sunlight shined in through the windows where they sheared in through the dense woods of the forest that surrounded the house, their glittering rays glinting over the lake that sat low in the distance.

It was breathtaking.


I pulled an iris from the bouquet and resituated it, making sure the arrangement was perfect.

A giant, full array of my favorite flowers.

Irises and lilies.

Tulips and hydrangeas.

Moonflowers, of course.

All surrounded by lush leaves and green foliage.

Pride swelled inside me when I thought of my little shop and what it’d become. What it stood for.

For the moments in our lives that marked us.

Weddings and anniversaries and birthdays.

Get wells and funerals and apologies.

Achievements and milestones.

And sometimes, they just represented the day to day.

But to me, each of those days were a milestone. Something to be remembered and cherished.

Each a reminder that my wings were no longer clipped.

This girl had decided to soar, and I no longer held back.

Excitement blazed in my belly when I heard the low grumble of a motorcycle coming up the drive in the distance, that anticipation growing to a furor as the sound of the garage door rolling up echoed through the walls before it wound back down.

I was in a full body buzz by the time the steady thud of heavy footsteps climbing the stairs reverberated the floors.

Then my heart pressed full when the door opened behind me.

His presence rolled over me from behind.

His aura profound.

Patchouli and warm apple pie.

I could feel his slow slide of appreciation as he stilled in the doorway. The heat of his ravenous gaze dragging over my back.

“You tryin’ to wreck me, darlin’?”

“I must be since you ask me the same thing every day,” I told him with a coy glance over my shoulder.

Okay, so I was totally trying to wreck him. Bring him to his knees the way he always had me on mine.

Because the man stole my breath where he stood just inside the door.

Otto Hudson was so hot it was unfair.

So hot it was physically painful.

I’d once thought that staring at him was like standing in the sun and knowing you were going to get burned, but you did it anyway because it felt so good while you baked in the blistering rays.

But I knew now that I did it because it was where I belonged.

Held beneath that fierce gaze of blue, loved by a man hewn of rugged stone.

Skin covered in tats and muscles rippling beneath the tight white tee stretched over his massive chest.

What else was I supposed to do but throw on one of those dresses and heels that I knew drove him wild?

“Dream I’m livin’ every day…coming home and finding you standing there like that,” he rumbled in that deep, lust-inducing voice.

He ambled into the kitchen, carrying a bag of ice and a twelve-pack of beer that I’d sent him to pick up at the store. He put the ice in the freezer and the beer into the fridge.

One of those smirks that hadn’t left his mouth for the last nine months rimmed his full, plush lips, desire glinting in his eyes as he let the refrigerator door drop closed before he slowly edged up behind me.

Each step an earthquake that resonated across the floor.

I had my hair pinned up in a loose twist, and he pressed his mouth to the nape of my neck as he gripped me by the waist.

Need licked through my veins.noveldrama

He let his palms ride around to my belly.

Splaying wide as he kissed a path across my shoulder.

A whimper rolled out of me, and I leaned back against him, welcoming the teasing kisses that moved back up the side of my neck and to my ear. “And dressed like this. You know exactly what you do to me.”

Chills flashed as he slowly smoothed his hands back down my body to my hips to gather the material of the dress’s full skirt.

He leisurely dragged it up.

“Everyone is going to be here in thirty minutes.” It was supposed to come out a rebuff of the direction he was traveling, but instead it came out a question.

Or maybe a challenge.

He emitted a low chuckle, lips nipping at my ear. “While I prefer to take my time with you, I’m willing to make it fast. Last thing we want is me hard and thinking about getting in this pussy during the entire family barbecue.”

He cupped me over my pelvic bone, and his fingers pressed between my thighs over my underwear.

Energy crackled. Though it was light. A tease. Zinging around us in the joy that we’d found.

“Like you aren’t going to be, anyway.” I tried to play it a taunt, but it came out breathy when he pushed the fabric aside and dragged his fingers through my slit.

Arousal rushed, a throbbing ache that instantly lit.

This man had me in a puddle of need in a second flat.

“Now that is no lie, but I think I’m going to need to have my moonflower, anyway. Seeing as how you’re already dripping for me.”

“I think that would be a very good idea,” I whispered, words barely audible as he played with my clit. Fingertips just brushing over my nub.

Tiny flickers of pleasure sparked across my flesh, and surprise jolted from me when he suddenly pushed my chest down onto the table and tossed the skirt of my dress up high.

Cool air brushed my backside, then heat followed it as he leaned down to drag my underwear down my legs, the man kissing along the cleft of my ass as he went. He wound them free of my heels, then he straightened.

The man a tower behind me.

Strength and volatility.

Softness and greed.

He was everything. Every element that I needed.

I heard the jangle of his belt and the zipper of his jeans, then I moaned when he lined the fat head of his cock up with my center.

“You ready for me, Little Moonflower?”

“I’m always ready, my burly bear.”

He drove into me, taking me whole.

My nails raked at the tabletop as a desirous cry jutted from my mouth.

The man filling me so full I couldn’t breathe. So full I couldn’t feel anything but the abject pleasure that he brought.

“Fuck, Raven. Doesn’t matter how many times I have you, I can’t get enough. Pure fuckin’ heaven.”

That pleasure glowed as he withdrew and rocked back in.

“My paradise,” he rumbled as he seated himself to the hilt.

He picked up a reckless rhythm, fucking into me with long, hard strokes. Big hands gripped onto my hips as he pounded relentlessly.


Because I’d not found one thing in this world that felt better than him.

He grunted as he took me again and again, mumbling his praise as he consumed me.

“This body. This heart. Nothing better than you. Such a good girl.”

An arm slipped between me and the table, and he yanked my back against his chest.

I gasped at the sudden change in position, then I was moaning loud when he grabbed me by the back of the right knee and lifted my leg to hook my heel on the edge of the table.

Spreading me wide.

And God, it felt so good…miraculous as he drove into me from behind. His fingers found my clit again and his other hand wrapped around the front of my neck.

I felt consumed. Taken whole. The man everywhere all at once.

Only he wanted more, and he turned my jaw to the side so he could capture my mouth with his.

Those tiny sparks of pleasure caught fire.

Increasing with each possessive thrust as he kissed me like he didn’t ever want to stop.

One second later, I was shooting off, soaring amid the fireworks that burst behind my eyes.

And he was shouting my name as he throbbed and pulsed inside me. We stayed that way, both of us gasping for the breath that we’d lost.

Then he carefully took me by the knee and settled me back on my unsteady, trembling feet. No doubt, he knew he’d set me off balance, my knees and body weak. He looped an arm around my waist to keep me supported and brushed aside a lock of hair that’d gotten free of the twist.

Then he murmured at my jaw, “That should do it.”

A giggle got free.

Apparently, he got cocky when he was trying to put a baby in me.

“You think so?” I asked, peeking back up at him from over my shoulder. Anticipation and this dream we were living weaving into the words.

He gathered me closer and breathed me in. “I hope so, Raven, because I want to give you every single thing in this life that you desire.”


I leaned back against the exterior side of the island, nursing a beer as I appreciated the mayhem going down in the middle of the living room.

Taylor Swift blared from the speakers as Raven, Charleigh, and Nolan danced like goofs on the other side of the couch. Their laughter rolled through the house, bouncing off the walls and rattling the windows.

Their smiles infectious as they gave themselves over to the wild moves that Nolan was coercing them into.

“Watch this one, Auntie!” Nolan shouted, and he dropped to the ground, spinning around on his butt like he’d invented an award-winning new move. “You think you can top it? Because I bet my Daddy-O is gonna give it a perfect ten!”

“A ten? No way am I good enough for that!” she teased, reaching out a hand and helping him pop back onto his feet.

“You gotta believe in yourself, Auntie. That’s what my uncle Otto always tells me, at least.”

Raven sent me an adoring glance. One that I felt spear all the way to the middle of my soul. I tipped her the neck of my beer, hollering, “Come now, Moonflower, show our little dude what you’ve got.”

Raven didn’t hesitate. She dropped herself straight to the floor, spinning herself around in that dress, cackling as she did.

God, could anything feel better than this? The sound of her laughter? Our family surrounding us?

“What about you, Momma Dog?” Nolan shouted.

Charleigh giggled. None of us knew where the heck he’d picked that up, but it seemed to have become her permanent moniker.

“I think I’m fine on my feet,” she told him, affection rushing out. “See?”

She did some crazy flailing move that made her look like she was having a seizure.

Even though Raven had never left my bed after that fateful day, that Raven and Charleigh had been living apart for all these months, they’d never been closer. Their friendship—their sisterhood—strong and unbreakable.

I’d worried that after Sienna’s betrayal, Raven might regress, become filled with distrust, hiding that goodness that wanted to pour from her spirit.

But no, my moonflower had completely bloomed.

She was no longer willing to allow the past to be her guide. No longer willing to allow it to control her decisions and moves.

Raven hopped to her feet, grabbing Nolan’s hand and taking him with her, then she grabbed one of Charleigh’s.

The three of them started twirling around.

Happiness shined through her expression. It was the only thing that I’d ever wanted to see. Had spent so much time thinking I’d be the one to destroy her that I’d never been brave enough to imagine that I might be a part of putting that joy on her face.

But Raven was brave enough for the both of us. Bold enough to tell me what she wanted and demand what she needed. Good enough to take the time to show me that I didn’t have to forfeit this life in favor of the rage. Strong enough to show me that I also deserved the best things in this life.

There was no way to get Haddie back. No way to undo the tragedy and the loss.

The only power we had was in the day. In the moments that were laid out in front of us.

I’d never again be the fool who wasted them.

River chuckled under his breath where he nursed a beer beside me. His affection so stark as he watched his little family dance in the middle of my living room.

“Never is gonna get old, is it?” he mused, gazing at the three of them having a blast.

“Nope,” I agreed.

Guessed he and I hadn’t ever been closer, either. The things I’d kept like dirty secrets dragged out into the open, given for all of them to see. I should’ve known my crew would always support me. Should have gotten they’d stand beside me.

We’d always ride together.

No matter what.

All of them were here, enjoying a Sunday afternoon, the way we did each week. All except for Cash who remained secluded in his cabin.

Except today, Kane was all off, sitting by himself at the little table beneath the window, staring out at the lake in the distance as he downed his third tumbler of scotch.

Normally, he was loud and raucous and right in the middle of the mix, but right then, a dark cloud loomed over his head.

I glanced at River who’d noticed it, too, and he hefted a shoulder. “Don’t know what’s up with him,” he grumbled below his breath.

I shrugged, too, though I figured I’d better check it out, so I pushed from the island and meandered over to the table.

I plopped down onto a chair. When he didn’t even acknowledge me, I nudged his calf with the toe of my boot, keeping my voice quiet as I asked, “What the hell is up with you, man?”

“Nothin’,” he grunted, taking another swig.

“Nothin’? You’ve been sitting over here acting like a broody fucker for the whole day when you’re normally over there instigating the shenanigans.” I pointed a finger at the mess out in the middle of the living room.

He roughed an agitated hand through his hair before he turned his head to the side, his throat bobbing heavily as he swallowed.

Then he looked up at me with fear and disbelief written all over his face. “Seems I have a kid. And her mother is dead.”

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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