The Raven and The Snake

Book 6: Part 34

The final Quidditch game of the year happened while Harry was in detention. Ariadne sat with Willa in the stands and was a little disappointed that Luna had not been asked to commentate a second time.

On principle, the Slytherins were generally against Gryffindor, but Willa cheered them on next to Ariadne. According to Willa, you were always supposed to cheer the underdogs and without their captain, the Gryffindors were most certainly underdogs.

Despite being at a disadvantage, Gryffindor flattened the Ravenclaws and won the Quidditch cup for the third year running. By the next day, the rumor was going around that Harry Potter was dating Ginny Weasley. Ariadne spotted them a couple times wandering the grounds together. It was sweet. But she had the sneaking suspicion that Professor Snape had noticed as well and continued to lengthen the detentions.

It was difficult for Ariadne to complain about the limited time with Snape. Between her intense work on the stone and her looming NEWTS, she was beginning to feel the weight of the stress pressing down on her. "How can you eat like that?" Willa asked her in disgust.

Ariadne glanced up from her book, her spoon still hanging from her mouth. She hadn't paid much attention to what exactly she was eating. She'd just piled the easiest to reach things into a bowl and ate without thought, too focused on her studies.

"I can't taste it anyway. I just need fuel, I was sick all morning." Ariadne replied, glancing down at her meal which was now decidedly nauseating as it consisted of a variety of textures and smells that weren't cohesive.

Willa examined Ariadne's face quizzically. "You feelin' alright?"

Ariadne shook her head, shoving the bowl away. "No, I've been so preoccupied with my alchemy, I'm not prepared for my exams."

"Aren't you like a super genius? You study harder than anyone."noveldrama

Ariadne grunted softly, turning back to her book. She was able to read a few hours more before another wave of nausea punched her in the gut.

"How many times have you been sick in the last week?" Madam Pomfrey asked, feeling Ariadne's temperature.

Ariadne sighed softly. "About eight times. I can hardly keep anything down."

"Hm... have you been sleeping?"

"No, not really."

"And when was your last menstrual cycle?"

Ariadne frowned, rubbing her forehead. "I'm not sure, I'm not very good at keeping track, I guess."

As a witch, Ariadne hadn't considered it too thoroughly. There was simple charm every young witch knew that helped relieve the symptoms of a monthly cycle. One spell and there was no mess to be bothered with so she didn't need to concern herself with resupplying sanitary pads or anything of the sort and she'd been so preoccupied as of late, it wasn't a real concern.

Madam Pomfrey pursed her lips in a disapproving manner. "Well, I wouldn't be surprised if you were late then. Every year, you kids work yourselves into frenzies and completely throw off your normal functions. You're just fortunate that students can't get pregnant in Hogwarts."

Ariadne nodded agreeably then frowned even more. "Students can't?"

"No, it's part of the enchantments on the school. Teachers and their spouses are of course immune, but as long as you are a student, you cannot have accidents."

"That's not in the handbook or Hogwarts: A History."

"No, it wouldn't be. We wouldn't make that too public. Sexually transmitted diseases can still be contracted and students are fickle." Madam Pomfrey said distractedly as she fluffed a pillow and prepared a sleeping tonic. This was very interesting to Ariadne, however. "My father was only fifteen when he and my mother got pregnant."

"Regulus wasn't a student any longer. He dropped out right after taking his OWLS and your mother was never a student, was she?"

"What about over holidays? Couldn't students get pregnant with an already graduated student?"

Madam Pomfrey gave a little laugh, pouring a healthy portion of potion into a cup. "Surprisingly, that very rarely happens and if it does.... well, you know what potions can fix that. Are you worried?"

Ariadne paused. She hadn't had intercourse outside of castle in months. If she were pregnant, surely she, of all people, would have noticed the signs. "No, not really."

"Good, now drink up and get some rest."

Ariadne obeyed, drinking the potion and lying back on the pillow to get some rest in peaceful solitude.

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