The Raven and The Snake

Book 6: Part 35

"Aria," A voice whispered in her ear, stirring her from her sleep. "Aria, wake up."

Ariadne scowled into the darkness and whined in protest. She was tired.

"Aria, wake up!"

Ariadne's eyes fluttered open. Antigone was bumping her head against Ariadne's cheek. Slowly, Ariadne smiled. Antigone hadn't been around much at all these last few months. She had taken to using the basilisk's former routes through the school, only coming out to deliver messages or to leave her shed skins where Ariadne could get them for her potions. The winter had been particularly cold so she'd been extremely reluctant to come out of hiding. "Hey you," Ariadne smiled, stroking the beautiful black scales of her friend. "It's been months."

Antigone's nose rubbed against Ariadne's palm as though she were a cat. "My brood needed careful watch."

"Your brood?" Ariadne replied, sleep making her a little foggy for several more seconds.

Antigone was a magical breed of snake called an obsidian viper. The obsidian viper was capable of breeding asexually, laying up to two eggs every ten years. Ariadne sat up, grinning.

"Congratulations, An. When can I meet them?"

Antigone's blinked appreciatively. "Soon. I sensed something was wrong in the castle."

Ariadne glanced around. Everything in the hospital wing was normal and she couldn't hear anything. "Are you sure?"

Antigone nodded.

"Kreacher?" Ariadne called softly.

There was a loud crack and Kreacher appeared. His bulging eyes gleamed in the dark. He looked a little excited. "Yes, ma'am?"

"Has anything happened? Is Draco alright?" she asked, feeling a sense of foreboding at his obvious enthusiasm.

"Yes, ma'am," he said almost cheerily. "The young Mr. Malfoy has just now brought some his master's Death Eaters into the castle. He used the Room of Requirement, ma'am. They were just headed to the highest tower." Ariadne's stomach lurched. She nearly heaved over the side of the bed, but she forced herself to hold her composure. Tonight was the night? Why now of all times when she was feeling so poorly? Draco hadn't said a word to her. She stood up, searching for her robe. "Get some of the other house elves and keep the students from leaving their dorms until the Death Eaters have left."

Kreacher bowed and disappeared with another 'crack'.

"Matron!" Ariadne called.

There was a scuffle in the next room and Madam Pomfrey came out of her room wearing a loose robe over her nightgown. "What is it? What's wrong?" "It seems the school has company." Ariadne informed her grimly.

Ariadne clung to the shadows, nibbling her lip. Antigone was acting as her scout to ensure that the Death Eaters didn't spot her. If they called her out, she would have to leave with them.

The Order had been tasked with guarding the school while Dumbledore ran errands, but they weren't alone fighting the Death Eaters. Several of the former DA members, namely the Weasleys, Neville, and Luna were fighting. Ariadne carefully aimed her wand, creating shields and casting counter jinxes wherever it was needed. She couldn't actually fight since offensive spells threw sparks, she'd be spotted. She felt more frustrated than usual. There were shouts in all directions. Everything was so confusingly muddled, she felt nauseous. When Professor Snape ran past, leading Draco by the arm, his wand out, she almost instinctively called out to them, but Snape was yelling commands now.

The Death Eaters were in retreat, Harry just a step behind. They had finished their task. A weight like a brick fell through Ariadne's stomach. Her body curled in on itself as she heaved.

Behind her there was a blood curdling scream.

Antigone hissed, "Bill is down!"

Ariadne stumbled up from where she'd gotten sick, rushing blindly in the direction of the screams. She saw Fleur before she saw Bill.noveldrama

"Aria!" Fleur wailed when she saw Ariadne, the front of her robes were covered in blood.

"We have to get him to the hospital wing!" Ariadne gasped raggedly, using her wand to lift Bill from the stone floor.

They left a crimson trail behind them.

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